Damnıt, I Jinxed It
October 17th, 2006Of course right after I mention that we’ve had enjoyable whether, John and I get a day of drizzle. To make matters worse, the train from Bucharest took a little longer than expected. The train was supposed to be 18 hours long (leaving at 2pm and getting here at 8am) but for some reason, the ride ended up being 24 hours long! Needless to say, John and I were hungry when we finally got to the hostel.
Now, you’d think we’d go out and get some of the great Turkish food that we’ve heard about but nooooo, for some reason John and I had a big craving for spagetti. So yes, we went to a place and had spagetti (but it sure did hit the spot). It also came with Turkish Apple Tea… sooo good. Mom, expect some in the mail.
Anyway, after filling our bellies, we went to see the Blue Mosque. It was quite impressive. They only allow tourists in when there is no prayer going on so basically, the mosque was filled with tourists and a few people praying on their own. It was quite a different site to see.
Afterwards, we headed down a street that was lined with little stores… seems like everyone came out to try and sell us a carpet. I don’t know… I wouldn’t think we’d look like people in the market to carry a carpet home. There were stores with lots of trinkets and what not in it though. I think John and I will go back tomorrow to take a look. The prices weren’t bad and the trinkets were pretty nice.
Tomorrow, we are going to see the whirling dervishes and maybe go on a walking tour or something. I really like Istanbul so far and I look forward to actually eating the local food here.