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Archive for March, 2007

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The Infamous Terracotta Warriors

Sunday, March 18th, 2007

Well, I’m guessing you can guess what we did today. That’s right, we went to see the Terracotta Warriors! You can find the replicas all over China but going to see them was pretty cool. It’s almost a little eerie with all those warriors and what not but at the same time, it’s quite breath-taking. I can’t even imagine being a part of such a huge project. The only thing that I didn’t really know is that the rows and rows of soldiers are actually reconstructed because most of them were destroyed during some invasion way back in the day. I’m kind of torn between whether they should have left more of it as ruins or whether it looks better with all the reconstructed soldiers. It’s kind of the same with the wall… somebody was telling us that the places that they didn’t fix up actually look really nice now but are hard to get to. I guess it’s always a fine balance whether to create an image of what it would have looked like in the past or to leave it as a discovered treasure.

Ummm, other than that, we didn’t do much today. The Terracotta Warriors place is a HUGE complex so we were there for quite a while… not to mention that we had to stop at a shopping place… which happened to be a place where they make replica soldiers. It wasn’t actually that bad this time because we didn’t have to sit through a really long lecture and it was neat to see them making the replica soldiers. We also went to a little museum in the town just outside where the Warriors were dug up… it was a really small museum so that took almost no time at all.

Now we are back at the hostel with our 2 new American friends hogging up all the computers right now. I think John and I are going to call it a night and just chill here tonight.

Oh, I just wanted to mention: Mom, I must be your daughter because I had the biggest urge for roasted chestnuts (which are SUPER cheap here)… and now, my fingers are permenantly a brownish-yellow from breaking chestnut shells and eating them like Simon and I eat blueberries (in a mad frenzy). I may have to return to the Muslim quarter to pick me up another bag… hehe.

Ummmm, I think that’s all for now… our train to Chengdu is tomorrow night but we plan to practice our bartering skills at the market tomorrow before we go. See ya!

Happy St. Patty’s Day!

Saturday, March 17th, 2007

Happy St. Patty’s Day everyone! We met up with my Aunt Rosanna in Beijing on our last day there and after a quick lunch, we went to see the Huotong area which is like an old neighborhood, Prince Huong’s Imperial Garden, the Drum Tower, The Bell Tower, and… umm, I think that was about it. My aunt’s colleague’s niece was nice enough to take us around to see these areas. Then, we all went for dinner. Of course, being in Beijing, we (and by we, I mean everyone but me) had to try the Peking duck… it smelt really good… and according to John, it was delicious. Due to a miscommunication about which train station we had to be at though, we almost missed our train to Xi’an! We had to abruptly leave in the middle of dinner and fly across town to get to the right train station. It was no problem though, we even had time to spare.

The ride was uneventful. John and I slept like babies until we arrived in Xi’an. Xi’an is a lot more modern than I thought it would be… the last thing I thought I’d see here would be a Louis Vuitton (sp?) and Prada store. It’s quite beautiful though with a the big city wall all around it. The 2 american girls we met in Beijing actually also came to Xi’an and are staying at the same hostel too… so that was kind of cool. We spent the afternoon wandering the town together and trying some street food… which was surprisingly very good.

Now, we just got home after searching for an Irish Pub to celebrate the “holiday” but when one of the girls asked the hostel staff whether there was an Irish Pub near by, the staff member responded by saying “yes! We will have another Panda Tour tomorrow!”… haha. Soooo, we decided to go wandering down the bar street on our own. After popping into a few bars to see if anything came close to an Irish Pub (which none did), we settled for a nice little bar and restaurant where we sat down, ordered pub-ish foods and drinks, and played hearts (which I won both rounds 🙂 ). There was actually live music there too so it was a pretty cool atmosphere. I would never think I’d see two Chinese guys with acoustic guitars singing Beatles tunes in a bar in Xi’an.

Anyway, it seems like we’ve had a pretty long day today so I’m gonna turn in. We will be heading out to see the terracotta soldiers tomorrow. See you then!

It’s All About Timing…

Thursday, March 15th, 2007
Well, we had a busy day around Beijing yesterday (Summer Palace, Temple of Heaven, and Forbidden City)... but our timing here kind of sucks. First of all, due to some Congress meeting here, Mao's Tomb and Tianniamen Square were closed ... [Continue reading this entry]

Seriously Tiring…The Great Wall at Mutianyu

Wednesday, March 14th, 2007
Well, we went to the Great Wall of China today... for some reason we decided to take the stairs instead of taking a cable car up to the wall. Man that was a lot of steps. On the plus side, ... [Continue reading this entry]

2476 Kilometers Later…

Tuesday, March 13th, 2007
Well, after 24 hours and 15 minutes on the train, we have arrived in Beijing! It's funny though, people said that the hard sleepers on the train would be a challenge to take for that amount of time... but in ... [Continue reading this entry]

Back to Reality…. kind of

Sunday, March 11th, 2007
Well, we are leaving the lap of luxury of my family taking care of me. My mom is back in Edmonton and we are leaving Hong Kong today by train to begin our own adventure in China. Our first stop: ... [Continue reading this entry]

Changsha, Changde, Jishou, and Zhangjaijie

Thursday, March 8th, 2007
From the names of the cities, I'm sure you can guess we were in China. We are actually back in Hong Kong now to see my mom off (back to Canada) but I'll fill you in on our 6 day ... [Continue reading this entry]

Short Vacation in China

Friday, March 2nd, 2007
I guess it's not really a short vacation since I've been on vacation for over 5 months... it's more like a quick trip into China. We are leaving in about a half hour for the airport and flying to Changsha, ... [Continue reading this entry]