BootsnAll Travel Network

And Thomas

April 8th, 2006

Dear Fans,

I just finished the Hobbit. Now, I’m reading The Fellowship of the Ring and it’s such a great book. I’m at the part where Frodo, Sam, and Pippin meet Merry in the fog, when Farmer Maggot drove Frodo, Sam and Pippin to Ferry to go to BuckleBerry. I’m doing good in school, Now I’m in the White Sox baseball team in Highland, for the major league. I’m also in football for my school and we are called the Spartans. I play WR, Safety, and Corner. Right now I’m in Spring Break and I have been saving a good amount of money, to go to New Zealand. And now all my teachers are excited that I’m to New Zealand, especially my Social Studies teacher. She knows someone in NZ.. Thanks for all the comments you guys have sent me I really loved them. Thanks Again.

Your friend,


What Tim is reading,,,,,

April 5th, 2006
l just got done reading Farmer Giles of Ham and J.R.R Tolkiens Essay on Fairy Stories. Both stories are in The Tolkien Reader I’m reading. They are good stories.  The last thing I need to read in the book, is The Adventures of Tom Bomadil. It think it’s going to be really good, but I,m worried because it is written in poems, so I might be a little confused during the story. So I will try it. The next thing I want to talk about is our trip. We were really worried, because our dad didn’t know ,if he wanted us to go. Thankfully he said, if the school said it was ok, he’s fine, because school is important. Thankfully Mom called the Principal, and he said there will be no problems, if we do homework on the trip. So everything is fine. Dont worry. Talk to you later!

The Crown by Timmy

March 30th, 2006

In about the fourth Age, after the lord of the rings, an Elf and a Hobbit were best friends, their names were Orophin Celebrindal, the elf and Sancho Bumbelfoot, the Hobbit. During this time everybody depended on the King, who had a Crown of Power. The Crown had about half the King’s power. This story began when the two friends were in the misty mountains because they had heard the tales about the nine companions of the Fellowship of the Ring. When suddenly they heard lots of screaming and they were worried a lot because they didn’t know what the screaming was about, so they started running down the mountain, towards the screaming.
When they got to the screaming, Orophin realized that the King was missing his Crown and both of them were wondering why. The King said” Someone must of taken it, when I took it off to take a bath”. The King ordered everyone to go to the Castle to talk about what happened. When they were at the meeting, the King asked “Who will go and look for my crown?” The first two to volunteer were Orophin and Sancho. Everybody was surprised because the warriors were even scared to go. So they both began their journey and the first place they looked was the Haunted Marshes. Then they looked in the mines of Moria and they found nothing. They looked everywhere, but one place. The Haunted Mountains, were the Ghost Army lived. Sancho was the brave one to go in. Orophin was the scared one, but he followed his friend in anyway. After a while, in the mountain, they saw the Crown. And they had to climb down. They were eager because they were about ten feet away from the Crown.. They walked closer and then the King of the Dead jumped in front of them.. They were amazed becuase, everybody said that the King of the Dead left his army after the war at Minas Tirith. The King of the dead said” You will never get the Crown!” Sancho said, ” You are wrong!” Then they started to fight with swords and arrows, then with one last swing of his sword, Sancho got the King of the Dead. They returned to the castle with the Crown in a bag. The King was thrilled!!
After that was over, the King awarded them both with medals. He asked, ” If they would like to become Stewards of the Castle?” They actually said Yes and their lives were better than they were before. About ten years later, Sancho became King and Orophin became King after his best friend. They both lived happily ever after until the end of their days. Namarie


The Weather

March 22nd, 2006

Hello there,,

     Many people asked what the temperature will be, when the boys and I are in Nz. So I found a nice site, which tells the temp in celsius and fahrenheit for us Americans,, New zealand Climate. I am praying that It is unseasonally warm that time of the year, since I want to be able to enjoy the weather and the outdoors,, We also want to enjoy all the activities Middl- Earth and NZ have to offer,,,The shire should be green and overflowing, if it’s not I will be so disappointed.  




The Itinerary

March 20th, 2006
Hello There 
This is our day by day itinerary – 


Day 1: Auckland – staying at ‘Spencer on Byron’ in Takapuna. 
Day 2: Ex Auckland to Matamata and overnight Rotorua
Day 3: To National Park and Mt Ruapehu overnight Ohakune
Day 4 & 5: To Wellington and overnight
Day 6: Fly to Christchurch and overnight
Day 7: To Mt Cook and overnight
Day 8: Cromwell or Lake Wanaka
Day 9: Queenstown & overnight
Day 10: Lake Te Anau
Day 11-12: Queenstown
Day 13: Departure    

North Island sites :
*Hobbiton (+ lunch at ‘The Shire’s Rest’ )
*Optionals – Tamaki Maori Village, concert & meal. Geothermal activity
* River Anduin. ( Bungy activity available here.)
*Emyn Muil, Mordor and Mt. Doom
*Gollum’s fishing pool
*Powderhorn Chateau (where the stars stayed)
* Meet the Black Rider – trainer of horses and actors, plus key roles in all
3 movies.
* The site where the Elves are leaving Rivendell for the West and Arwen has
her vision of Aragorn and their son.
*The film studios
*Meet the Calligrapher & Map Maker
* The “Get off the road” site.
*Leaving Lothlorien / Gladden Fields.
*Isengard Gardens
* Rivendell
*Helms Deep and Minas Tirith
*Visit the cloak factory
* Chocolate Fish Cafe – second breakfast where the Stars went.

South Island sites:
* Edoras
*The Pelennor Fields
* The great chase site – Arwen pursued by Black Riders
*The Rohan sites – leaf brooch canyon and where the village was burned
*Fangorn Forest, another River Anduin
* The Orc funeral pyre and where Gandalf the White called up Shadowfax
* Where Merry & Pippin hid in the log and where Sam & Frodo paddled away
*Milford Sound ( optional extra )
*The Misty Mountains
* Amon Hen and Ithilien
* Queenstown highlights – optionals – Refugees leaving Edoras ; Aragorn’s
warg attack rock; Pillars of Argonath; Ford of Bruinen; horse trekking;
helicopter to sites, etc. etc.







And Still more pics

March 19th, 2006

Hello There,,

 Here are more nice pics of Two of the Handsomest, smartest and just plain best boys in the world ,,,—Max


More Fun Pics

March 19th, 2006

                            Thomas cracking up!                    754359-R1-011-4.jpg                 



School Progress

March 10th, 2006

Both Timmy and Tommy won awards today at school,, Timmy won outstanding student in Language Arts. Tommy Won outstanding student in Science. Both were The #1 student in those subjects!!!! Fantastic Job boys!! See what you can do, when you set your mind to it!! Great Job. I am so proud of you !!!! Max


In The House of Tom Bombadil

March 10th, 2006

Dear Friends,

I just finished The Hobbit, I can’t even put into words, to tell you how I love that book. I tried to read The Silmarillian and just like my uncle said, it is a hard book to read. So I’m going to wait a while before I try to read that book. Now I’m reading The Tolkien Reader. It has The Adventures of Tom Bomadil. It also has letters that people wrote to the publishers to put in the book. The letters tell you, how the fans liked and learned from the lord of the rings. The book is really nice. If you have read it, tell me how it is. I think I will like the book a lot. well thats all I have to say right now I’m sorry. but I will write more articles for the blog. see ya  Tim.

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Three is Company

March 1st, 2006

Dear Fans,

       You all remember that i’m a big Lord of the Rings Fan. My favorite character is Legolas.  I’m going to tell you about my progress to get to New Zealand.  I have been saving money to go.  I have been getting good grades.  All my teachers love that i’m going to NZ, especially my social studies teacher, she is so excited for me to go, because she knows someone that lives there.. Back to me, I told you I’m getting good grades and on my math test, I got a 90%.  In science I’m bringing it up little by little. In social studies, we just did our African Project. My Project was on Tanzania, and now we are watching Hotel Rwanda. We are watching it because, we are now learning about the fight with the Hutus and the Tutsis.  When the Hutus started massacering the Tutsis because they blamed them for their Presidents death.  I have been getting my math grade up because it’s a little hard class. I’ve been worrying about my grades a lot, because I really want to go to New Zealand.  I have been doing  great in Art, even if I’m not a very good Artist, but my Two older brothers are awesome at Art.  In Art now, I’m drawing a robbin in a black background.  This is some of my progress to get to New Zealand. 

Your Friend Tom
