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Back Home Again

Monday, October 30th, 2006

Hey, I’m back home! I’m depressed that the trip is over but now I’m starting to get used to being home. My mom was the happiest person in the world when she saw Tom and I in the airport. She almost killed me when she hugged my brother and I. All of my friends wont stop asking me questions about the trip. Because of this amazing journey I am now a bigger Lord of the Rings fan than I used to be. Im starting to hang up my flag and Tom’s knives, and our action figures in my room. The room will look beautiful with all LOTR every where you look. The tour has changed our lives and will change many other lives for many years. Im miss seeing mountains now that im back and I also miss our tour group and especially our tour guides Vic and Raewyn. They were all amazing to me. Uncle Max got an awesome tattoo and that was the bravest thing he ever did!


Emyn Muil

Wednesday, October 11th, 2006

Timmy the Ranger from the NorthHello There,

       We continued our journey today. It was fantastic, we were in Emyn Muil. Where Sam and Frodo sat and eat some lembus bread. We took many spectaular photos, we hope you get to see them. The best part of it was getting to the exact location, it was very hard because it was freezing. There was lots of snow. Everyone had to wait for us because we were taking pictures with our cloaks. We look awesome with the wind blowing and the amazing view. The snow was about a foot high. We don’t know how Sam and Frodo stayed alive. Then later we went to Gollum’s fishing pool, were he was trying to get a fish but couldn’t and we also got to take amazing photos that we hope you can see them. The are fantastic!We look amazing with the wind blowing our beautiful hair, execpt my hair, my hair is too short. Even though it was freezing cold we still had one of the best times of our lives. The journey awaits us till tomorrow morning. Namarie Timmy

ps Gandalf’s room is amazing! Thomas the Ranger in Emyn MuilThomas the Ranger in Emyn Muil

Last Weekend of Freedom

Thursday, August 17th, 2006


 Tom and I just got our passports about three days ago and I really like my picture. The look really cool. I’m a little mad because I start school next week. I’m going to the Dells this weekend with my family and my friends family. It’s Brandons first time going, but this is like my fifth time. It will be fun. thats all for now  See Ya Tim


Wednesday, July 26th, 2006
   We just got back from vacation. It was fun, we went on a 15 mile canoe trip. It was very long. It did get a little rough. My friend Brandon and I were in a canoe together. Tom was in a canoe with Brandons little brother Derek. My mom and Dad were together and Brandons mom and dad were together. Brandon and I beat these people that are in good shape in a race. We all had fun. We had splash wars and everyone tipped into the river. Except my mom and dad. I’m reading the Fellowship now and Tommy is almost done. I think he has a chapter left. Thats all so far. See Ya!

Dressing Up

Thursday, July 13th, 2006

   I’ve always have been into fantasy and action movies.  The movie Star Wars was a great movie! When I saw Star Wars-Revenge of The Sith on Wednesday at 12:00 A.M., I was really excited because my uncle Max and I dressed up as 2 Jedi’s.  We thought people would laugh at us, but my Uncle really didn’t care.  The only bad part was my brother Tom wanted to dress up, but we didn’t have enough costumes. My brother, Rob, and my Gram Kathleen wanted to come too, so they did.  My parents didn’t come because they were in Las Vegas. 

    So, on Wednesday May 18th, we went to bed really early.  After, we woke up, it was about 8:00 p.m. We ate for a little bit, then we went outside and it was pitch black.  My Uncle and I put our costumes on and we were very excited. Then we grabbed our light sabres and started taking pictures, (see below), so that we can remember that night. My brother Tom also took pictures too.  It was cool because the pictures looked so real.  The only was Tom took pictures was, we switched costumes with each other.  My Gram  was very happy for us .    Before we left my brother Rob said ” you look really stupid” . So we jumped in the car and we took off to see Star Wars.  When we got to the movie theater, we were re-thinking our decision to dress up.  We were getting shy, but my Uncle didn’t care, but I was the one that was shy.  But we dressed up anyway and took off with our light sabres. When we got in the theater everyone started cheering, someone shook our hands, and I was really happy.  Someone said ” You look really cool “. So when it hit 12 :00 on wednesday it was actually thursday, the movie started.  When we sat down there was a girl dressed up as a jedi just like us.  the movie started and it was awesome.  During the movie everyone was waving their light sabres. I thought it was cool.  After the movie, people were still cheering for everyone that dressed up.  We got in the car and took off.  When we got home, it was about 2:30 am. One cool part was that I didn’t have to go to school the next day. 

That was one of the best days of my life. Now I know that I don’t care about what people  say to me.  I would dress up for the Lord of the Ring, before, but this day was much cooler because my Uncle dressed up with me.  My Uncle was very happy for me, because he didn’t think I would dress up.  Then after that day, Tom thought it would be fun to dress up, for another movie.  I will never  forget that night. 

                              Tim  oct 7, 2005 periord 4

ygp108F.jpg     The Jedi Master Tim.jpg   Jedi Master Tim    The Great Battle IV

Schools out

Sunday, June 25th, 2006

 I’m done with school, I’m so happy. I got all a’s and one b. School was really fun. Now that I’m done with school I’ll be able to write more entries . I started to get back into my comics. I’m happy that I’m back into them. My baseball team isn’t doing so good right now. We were on a 3 game winning streak, but we lost yesterday 11-8. Thats all I have to say for right now. See ya!     Tim

Meet Uncle Max

Wednesday, June 14th, 2006

There is a man that is tall, smart, with a lot of blonde hair, mostly one of the handsome kinds you see walking down the street. If you ever see him, he may be buying a box of new comic books, just like he does every month. He’s been reading comics since he has been a little boy. If you ever get to meet him, he will be a really nice gentleman, saying thanks, holding the door and all the other stuff, or if you meet him when you go see a movie that he may like, he may be the cool guy in a costume. He really doesn’t care what people think about him, as long as you have fun, he says. He always loves to dress up , He loves the Lord of The Rings as a passion, just like my brother and I. He likes Star Trek, a lot less than The Lord of The Rings. He will watch the movies everyday: I love that about him because he is the one that got me into the Lord of The Rings. He loves playing Tennis and Ping-Pong. Even though I beat him all the time, when he wants to play me. He loves his job as a dispatcher. He got the call about Chris Farley overdosing on drugs.
One day my Uncle too me to the movie theatre to see Star Wars, it as about 12:00 am. We saw the movie the day before it really came out. We both dressed up as Jedi’s. With our brown cloaks that felt so comfortable with it’s warmth, and with our colorful fake light sabres that make noise when you hit them against something. We drove to the movie theatre, when we got in, we saw tons of people that cheered for us, because we dressed up. I was so delighted because I had butterflies in my stomach that people will be laughing at us. My Uncle almost started crying. He was so thrilled. We bought our tickets and sat in the theatre. A girl next to us dressed up in the same warm cloak that will always keep someone warm. I remember that night where I almost made an accident in my pants. I know my Uncle will always remember that day for the rest of his life. Mostly every show we see we go to Toys R Us. We go there just to buy more LOTR action figures. Those days were one of the best days of my life. Seeing those isles and isles of toys were one of the best sights I ever seen. Then putting all the LOTR toys in the cart made me really happy. Seeing the cashier put them in the bag in the bag made me want to cry in joy, so I can put them in my collection, even my Uncle was excited because he had a collection too.
My Uncle is a very special person in my life. He always wanted the best for me, and he still does. We’ve always spent mostly every weekend together. Every time it was Friday I wanted to run out of school to see my Uncle. My Uncle always had a big mind and he also has a big heart.   Timothy A
                          Period 4
                         May 3, 2006

Fair Oaks Farm

Friday, May 26th, 2006

Sorry for the hold up, I just got home from school, which we went on a field trip to Fair Oaks Dairy Farm. It was fun. My group and other groups got to see a cow give birth to twins. One boy and one girl. I stopped reading the Young Wizards, because Max wanted me to read the Alchemist, its a very well written book. Its the kind of book, that is suppose to change peoples lives. I’m half way through. I might not read the Young Wizards anymore. Its too long and I forgot what I read. Well that’s it. The birth thing was cool. See ya!


Honor Roll-Tim

Wednesday, April 26th, 2006

My book is really good I don’t know why I stopped reading it. It will take me a long time to finish, but I’m doing really good. I can’t wait to tell you everything that happened when I am finished. I’m not going to tell you now, I want you to wait. This blog has given me chances to learn, to never give up, just like what my uncle said. I’m doing really well in school, I’m getting A’s and I’m on the B honor roll. Almost made A honor roll this quarter. So I’m doing all I can to make this dream come true. so that’s all for now See ya


What I’m reading now -Tim

Wednesday, April 19th, 2006

I didnt finish The Adventures of Tom Bombadil it was really hard for me to understand because the book was in poem form. I’m a little mad because I wanted to read it, but it is too hard. So Now, I’m reading a book called The Young Wizards. It is really good, so far, it is about a girl who is always getting beat up from a bunch a girls. Then, she finds a book that she hasnt read (she’s read all the books in the library). that is called, So You Want To Be A Wizard. She becomes in love with the book. She takes it home, and she reads and reads more. She starts talking to a tree after she finally learns how. The tree tells her that the there are trees that are getting mad. So she goes by the mad trees and fines a boy that is trying to do a spell and he doesn’t know why he is getting the trees mad. She tells him, and he stops.  Then they just become friends. That’s all so far. So that’s all I have to say. Keep reading.

See ya Tim