The Future?
Sunday, November 19th, 2006In the next couple of weeks, I will once again be deciding what my new travel plans will be . I have to put my bid in at work. and I’m at a loss, New Zealand was so incredibly beautiful and the tour was wonderful. It really was a trip of a lifetime. And now I’m alone. My next trip will be solo. The boys will not be traveling with me. Same school year, can’t take them out of it again, too soon. Too Bad. They were excellent traveling companions! I’m so blessed and incredibly lucky to have them in my life. Its Ironic, I think, how an experience such as travel, can have such an impact on one’s life, But NZ did!
I don’t know where or when to go. I’m leaning toward Italy, but I so desperately want to see Egypt or Greece. Does anyone have any good suggestions? I’m thinking a good tour is the way to go, when one is traveling alone. Sue and I are definitely doing Paris in september or october, we just have to talk Andy, her husband, into letting her go with me, her boyfriend!!!!! Taking suggestions for the first half of the year, starting today. Namarie My Friends