What did you do?
Friday, October 5th, 2007What did you do on that day?
Did you wake up to the alarm clock around 7, stumble out of bed, into the bathroom. Get into the shower. Get dressed, make some eggs for breakfast and then kiss the wife/husband. as you walk out the door.
Hit the snooze button a couple of times, because you were up late putting together the bike for your sons birthday present. and your tired , so tired, but you have that important meeting today, or that deadline that has to get done. so you stumble to the shower. to try and wake up. Grab a quick cup of coffee and head into the office.
Get out of your bed, ( get up ) stumble to the shower, because you have to go to work, even though your life is crumbling down around you, your boyfriend dumped you yesterday, and he was your entire world. why go into work? Because what else do you have. You werent married, no kids and the rest of your family live thousands of miles away!So work is all you have, and maybe just maybe he will call you, today,(please please ) after realizing, you were the love of his life and he can’t live without you ( please, please).
What did you do on your last day of life?
Me? I got on that damn plane!