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Archive for December, 2007

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The Hobbit is on !!!

Thursday, December 20th, 2007
Hello There,, I’m sure you heard the good news. The Hobbit is now on the fast track for 2010. Well here is my news. I’m quitting my job , selling my house and moving down there,,I MUST BE IN THAT MOVIE! I don’t care how or in what capacity,  behind the scenes, carrying water up hill, doesn’t matter. I want to be down there making Middle Earth history.. I’ve written Vic and Raewyn, And told them that if Vic needs a partner hiding behind trees, climbing fences or crawling thru mud to get close and get the scoop. I’m his man,,, I can run really fast. and can jump fallen trees, running creeks or dead Orcs. I’m still spry at 41. I’m writing Peter Jackson and telling him, I’ll rub his feet, watch his kids, clean his glasses, or shovel horse poop,  I don’t care. I’m desperate If anyone gets any further news or more details, please write me,,I’m very serious. I won’t let this opportunity pass by. At the very least, I’m going back on the Tour with Vic and Raewyn,, maybe we can all go and have a wonderful re-union tour, only those that have been on it before, and ALL get in it, That would be wonderful,,,Now that would definitely be an “Unexpected Party” Can you see 20 of us, sneaking up to a film set/site. Funny stuff. Brian

Don’t Speak

Wednesday, December 12th, 2007

Why be mean and cruel. Is it really necessary. Are you that little that instead of being respectful and kind. You need to resort to unnecessary cruelty. Why be mean to my friends? If you don’t like me fine, I’ll get over it. But to resort to mean-spirited jokes and put downs is really low and immature . I thought you were better than that. I guess I was wrong. I used to be a real good judge of character, but I must be slipping, because I liked you. I had fun spending time with you and wanted to enjoy more. But no more. I don’t need that kind of humor, it’s not funny, EVER.  And its really unprofessional.  Degradation of any kind is so uncool. I have had people degrade me and make fun of me all my life, I refuse to put up with it anymore, EVER.  I like my life and like who I am. I have a wonderful life! I really don’t need nor want anyone in my life, who puts other people down. Why would you think thats funny, especially my friends. We have only been nice and kind to you. And if you treat us like that because you are mad, then you need to grow up. Seriously!  I thought I was treating you with respect. Don’t I deserve the same? Don’t my friends? I realize you are a little, little person, not anyone, I want to be associated with. But mark my words, I won’t make that mistake again.
