What I’m reading now -Tim
I didnt finish The Adventures of Tom Bombadil it was really hard for me to understand because the book was in poem form. I’m a little mad because I wanted to read it, but it is too hard. So Now, I’m reading a book called The Young Wizards. It is really good, so far, it is about a girl who is always getting beat up from a bunch a girls. Then, she finds a book that she hasnt read (she’s read all the books in the library). that is called, So You Want To Be A Wizard. She becomes in love with the book. She takes it home, and she reads and reads more. She starts talking to a tree after she finally learns how. The tree tells her that the there are trees that are getting mad. So she goes by the mad trees and fines a boy that is trying to do a spell and he doesn’t know why he is getting the trees mad. She tells him, and he stops. Then they just become friends. That’s all so far. So that’s all I have to say. Keep reading.
See ya Tim
Tags: Timmy
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