And Thomas
Dear Fans,
I just finished the Hobbit. Now, I’m reading The Fellowship of the Ring and it’s such a great book. I’m at the part where Frodo, Sam, and Pippin meet Merry in the fog, when Farmer Maggot drove Frodo, Sam and Pippin to Ferry to go to BuckleBerry. I’m doing good in school, Now I’m in the White Sox baseball team in Highland, for the major league. I’m also in football for my school and we are called the Spartans. I play WR, Safety, and Corner. Right now I’m in Spring Break and I have been saving a good amount of money, to go to New Zealand. And now all my teachers are excited that I’m to New Zealand, especially my Social Studies teacher. She knows someone in NZ.. Thanks for all the comments you guys have sent me I really loved them. Thanks Again.
Your friend,
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