Lessons Learned
This Post and The Trip have provided the Twins and I with more chances to bond and to learn from mistakes made, as well as each other. One example of that Is, What exactly to say in the Post. In an earlier post I explained that I thought it would be a good idea to tell everyone who their favorite character is, why the love the movies etc. etc. Lately, the Boys have shared some of their reading material and what they thought of what they were reading. Nice and interesting, if I say so. but sometimes lessons have a way of popping up, when we least expect it. Case in point. 12 yoa boys , no matter who they are, where they live or How wonderful they are, don’t exactly want to share every thought, with absolute honesty. They do have egos, believe it or not. And I expect, they don’t want to feel less than what they are. Obviously, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. But Kids don’t have the life experience we do. I believe in Truthfulness in literature, whether it’s fiction or non fiction. regardless of the Genre. I don’t want to be lied to. PERIOD. The Lord of the Rings is a great example of that, I think. Yes it’s Fantasy, but each character acts and reacts as honestly as they can, in the context of where they are and what is happening in the story, How they react to each other and the environment, they are in, is incredibly honest and truthful. Also, I believe Tolkien wrote it, from an honest point of view, with integrity and with incredibley honest intentions, so that we the reader, could understand our own humanity! Read it, I DARE you to prove me wrong! I challenge anyone!! I explained this to The Boys and told them that they could express themselves however they wanted. With very little editing from me. As long as it was Truthful and Honest, no one will criticize, or make fun of them, speak your Truth from your heart, because we as readers would only respect them all the more!!!! Max
Tags: Max
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