BootsnAll Travel Network


July 3rd, 2006

Today is the 3rd day of July, and it really feels like this are going well. Michelle took the Boys today for their passports. 6 weeks from now, we should be recieving them in the mail. I still haven’t applied for mine, I’ll do that this wednesday, the 5th. I wanted to get their applications out of the way first. I was a little worried, something might got wrong. So now, no excuses I will apply soon.  In the next couple of days I should have some even more exciting news, concerning the trip, so stay tuned.  Namarie    Max


Schools out

June 25th, 2006

 I’m done with school, I’m so happy. I got all a’s and one b. School was really fun. Now that I’m done with school I’ll be able to write more entries . I started to get back into my comics. I’m happy that I’m back into them. My baseball team isn’t doing so good right now. We were on a 3 game winning streak, but we lost yesterday 11-8. Thats all I have to say for right now. See ya!     Tim


Meet Uncle Max

June 14th, 2006

There is a man that is tall, smart, with a lot of blonde hair, mostly one of the handsome kinds you see walking down the street. If you ever see him, he may be buying a box of new comic books, just like he does every month. He’s been reading comics since he has been a little boy. If you ever get to meet him, he will be a really nice gentleman, saying thanks, holding the door and all the other stuff, or if you meet him when you go see a movie that he may like, he may be the cool guy in a costume. He really doesn’t care what people think about him, as long as you have fun, he says. He always loves to dress up , He loves the Lord of The Rings as a passion, just like my brother and I. He likes Star Trek, a lot less than The Lord of The Rings. He will watch the movies everyday: I love that about him because he is the one that got me into the Lord of The Rings. He loves playing Tennis and Ping-Pong. Even though I beat him all the time, when he wants to play me. He loves his job as a dispatcher. He got the call about Chris Farley overdosing on drugs.
One day my Uncle too me to the movie theatre to see Star Wars, it as about 12:00 am. We saw the movie the day before it really came out. We both dressed up as Jedi’s. With our brown cloaks that felt so comfortable with it’s warmth, and with our colorful fake light sabres that make noise when you hit them against something. We drove to the movie theatre, when we got in, we saw tons of people that cheered for us, because we dressed up. I was so delighted because I had butterflies in my stomach that people will be laughing at us. My Uncle almost started crying. He was so thrilled. We bought our tickets and sat in the theatre. A girl next to us dressed up in the same warm cloak that will always keep someone warm. I remember that night where I almost made an accident in my pants. I know my Uncle will always remember that day for the rest of his life. Mostly every show we see we go to Toys R Us. We go there just to buy more LOTR action figures. Those days were one of the best days of my life. Seeing those isles and isles of toys were one of the best sights I ever seen. Then putting all the LOTR toys in the cart made me really happy. Seeing the cashier put them in the bag in the bag made me want to cry in joy, so I can put them in my collection, even my Uncle was excited because he had a collection too.
My Uncle is a very special person in my life. He always wanted the best for me, and he still does. We’ve always spent mostly every weekend together. Every time it was Friday I wanted to run out of school to see my Uncle. My Uncle always had a big mind and he also has a big heart.   Timothy A
                          Period 4
                         May 3, 2006



June 11th, 2006
    Its been a long time since I wrote a blog. Now were do I start from. I got ” A ” on my last report card. I just finished school. I’m on the White Sox for baseball and my team isn’t very good, we are 5-10.  I got lots of hits and my best hit was a triple. On my report card for the last grading period, I got a 101% in Social Studies. Tim and me saved about $550. We are getting there.  I made a clock in Tech Ed. It.s a Hexagon, with cherry stain and has a Crucifix dial. I’m almost finished with The Fellowship of the Ring. I’m a very slow reader, but I very much enjoy reading. I just turned 13 on May 12. Well that’s all I have to write and I love your comments everyone.

Fair Oaks Farm

May 26th, 2006

Sorry for the hold up, I just got home from school, which we went on a field trip to Fair Oaks Dairy Farm. It was fun. My group and other groups got to see a cow give birth to twins. One boy and one girl. I stopped reading the Young Wizards, because Max wanted me to read the Alchemist, its a very well written book. Its the kind of book, that is suppose to change peoples lives. I’m half way through. I might not read the Young Wizards anymore. Its too long and I forgot what I read. Well that’s it. The birth thing was cool. See ya!



May 18th, 2006


        I thought it might be smart to have a recap for all new readers and perhaps just to refresh old readers memories,, This blog is a Diary of Our Trip to New Zealand this coming October.  The Participants are: me- Max the Administrator, The Record Holder, the King-maker and All Around All Father.  The Twins-Timmy and Tommy, who by the way just turned 13 yoa. (Now I have to pay adult air fare, thanks boys ). We are huge Lord of The Rings Fans, who have been dreaming of traveling to NZ , where they filmed the movie. The Agreement by all involved is as Follows. The Twins must carry above average grades ie: A’s and B’s and I must pay for the whole kit and kaboodle ( both boys have since made the Honor Roll,, What the Hell was I thinking !!!!). The Trip , which includes a tour  Relaxing Journeys and plane fare is coming in around $16,000 ( again what the hell was I thinking?!!!!!!).  I have been working tirelessly to make this Dream and Promise a reality, I have worked almost all Days off, not including Mothers Day-I had to spend the Day with Mom, and so far everything is coming along nicely. We are at about 33% so far, not too shabby, but summer is around the corner and I really love Summer. So I’m a little worried.

A little recap about us- I just turned 40, work for The City, in an Emergency Service Position, which I hate by the way, way too stressful and chaotic . I love to read, watch movies and I’m big into Sci-fi. I love the out-doors, hiking and playing VolleyBall and Tennis and I’m completely devoted to my Wonderful Family (in other words , no social Life, hahahah).

The Twins are Extraordinary Boys who love to play baseball, football, ride their bikes all over town and enjoy hanging out with their old Uncle. Their Favorite Characters are Aragorn and Legolas, you will have to pull up an old post to read why.

This Summer is going to be very long and there will be few and far between posts, as there won’t be too much to talk about. I will try and make updates as much as I can. But I don’t want to inundate the reader with nothing to say, But Maybe soon I will write about my Favorite character too , and the reason why the Book and then the Movie are such an inspiration to my life, and how they have influenced my life. Believe me that story is an Eye Opener.  ‘ till next time Namarie   




April 29th, 2006

It’s official,, Report cards came out today. Timmy made B Honor Roll with all A’s and just 1 B, in English.  And Thomas made the A Honor Roll with straight A’s, Congratulations boys, I’m so proud of you. You are really working hard to make our trip a reality. Nice Job



Honor Roll-Tim

April 26th, 2006

My book is really good I don’t know why I stopped reading it. It will take me a long time to finish, but I’m doing really good. I can’t wait to tell you everything that happened when I am finished. I’m not going to tell you now, I want you to wait. This blog has given me chances to learn, to never give up, just like what my uncle said. I’m doing really well in school, I’m getting A’s and I’m on the B honor roll. Almost made A honor roll this quarter. So I’m doing all I can to make this dream come true. so that’s all for now See ya


Lessons Learned

April 19th, 2006

This Post and The Trip have provided the Twins and I with more chances to bond and to learn from mistakes made, as well as each other. One example of that Is, What exactly to say in the Post. In an earlier post I explained that I thought it would be a good idea to tell everyone who their favorite character is, why the love the movies etc. etc. Lately, the Boys have shared some of their reading material and what they thought of what they were reading. Nice and interesting, if I say so. but sometimes lessons have a way of popping up, when we least expect it. Case in point. 12 yoa boys , no matter who they are, where they live or How wonderful they are, don’t exactly want to share every thought, with absolute honesty. They do have egos, believe it or not. And I expect, they don’t want to feel less than what they are. Obviously, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. But Kids don’t have the life experience we do.   I believe in Truthfulness in literature, whether it’s fiction or non fiction. regardless of the Genre. I don’t want to be lied to. PERIOD.  The Lord of the Rings is a great example of that, I think. Yes it’s Fantasy, but each character acts and reacts as honestly as they can, in the context of where they are and what is happening in the story, How they react to each other and the environment, they are in, is incredibly honest and truthful. Also, I believe Tolkien wrote it, from an honest point of view, with integrity and with incredibley honest intentions, so that we the reader, could understand our own humanity! Read it, I DARE you to prove me wrong! I challenge anyone!! I explained this to The Boys and told them that they could express themselves however they wanted. With very little editing from me. As long as it was Truthful and Honest, no one will criticize, or make fun of them, speak your Truth from your heart, because we as readers would only respect them all the more!!!! Max


What I’m reading now -Tim

April 19th, 2006

I didnt finish The Adventures of Tom Bombadil it was really hard for me to understand because the book was in poem form. I’m a little mad because I wanted to read it, but it is too hard. So Now, I’m reading a book called The Young Wizards. It is really good, so far, it is about a girl who is always getting beat up from a bunch a girls. Then, she finds a book that she hasnt read (she’s read all the books in the library). that is called, So You Want To Be A Wizard. She becomes in love with the book. She takes it home, and she reads and reads more. She starts talking to a tree after she finally learns how. The tree tells her that the there are trees that are getting mad. So she goes by the mad trees and fines a boy that is trying to do a spell and he doesn’t know why he is getting the trees mad. She tells him, and he stops.  Then they just become friends. That’s all so far. So that’s all I have to say. Keep reading.

See ya Tim
