BootsnAll Travel Network

What's It All About??

I guess 2007 is my mid life crisis........making the decision to leave a good job, friends and family to show the world to the kids some might say is a bit mad but it just feels so right. They say you only regret the things you haven't done, not the things you have - I want to have something to talk about when I am old and grey! 9 months, 14 countries and 2 teenagers, how intact will my sanity be on my return??

Las Vegas 2

October 16th, 2007

Ghost Town Calico

Originally uploaded by roupiesontour

OK – so it’s been a while since I wrote anything but hey we have been relaxing and calming down a bit. So, an overview……….

Vegas – fab fab fab. Everyone has a sense of humour – proved by the homeless guy who had a sign ” Father killed by Ninja’s – need a dollar for karate lessons”. It got my vote. Everything they say is true about it – tacky, over the top, exits in the casinos are a nightmare to find- is completely true but you can’t help loving the wackiness all the same. We were all sad to leave.

The journey out took us right into the desert and a traffic jam. I know in the middle of nowhere but I guess there are not that many roads around. Saw a mini cooper with the number plate UK LIMO – again the humour.

We stayed over in Barstow, halfway between Vegas (see how I say it like a local now) and LA. Calico came as a welcome distraction ( It’s a ghost mining town set up just like in the olden days. Everything is wood and creaks in the wind, any bang and you think an old gunslinger has just arrived at the local saloon. The guy at the gate let us in for free so either we looked really stressed and he didn’t fancy a fight or the old accent did it again.

Dinner was at Peggy Sue’s – a fab 50’s diner with loads of memoribilia. It had puzzles on the table to keep the kids occupied and Josh was happy when some real live cheerleaders walked in!



LA next stop……………

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Las Vegas Baby!

October 11th, 2007

Las Vegas 033

Originally uploaded by roupiesontour

Wednesday October 10th

Everything is bigger and better in Las Vegas It is the strangest, quirkiest, most kitschiest town I have ever seen and I love it! From the huge mega-resorts on The Strip to the sheer diversity of people it’s a town for everyone. You could walk down the street dressed as Austin Powers – no-one would look twice and you would be right at home. We drove in over the Hoover Dam – what a start!

We managed to get a good deal at Circus Circus on The Strip and it’s great staying in the middle of the action and for more than a couple of days. We have spent our time sight seeing, playing mini golf, people watching and being generally lazy around the pool. The weather is fab and the shorts have come out again – at this rate my tan will change from light blue to pale yellow…………

Las Vegas 082You cannot really describe Vegas – as they say what goes on in Vegas stays in Vegas. We have taken a long stroll from the Las Vegas sign back down to our resort. Each hotel’s theme has been taken to the extreme so we have been to New York, where I walked across the Brooklyn Bridge again, Venice, Paris, Paradise, Treasure Island, Egypt, Medieval England and ancient Rome all in the space of a few miles. We went in all of them to have a look around and experience the different atmospheres. The rollercoaster that goes outside of New York New York was too much of a temptation and I had to ride it – the kids chickened out. Wow – it was flying through the night air – amazing.

 Las Vegas 054  Las Vegas 013  Las Vegas 014 

Everything is set up for you to part with your money so it has been tricky trying to stick to a budget. Long gone are the days of the free buffets and even the internet charges are extortionate here. There are a lot of free things that we have enjoyed…………..

1. Lazing by the pool
2. Watching everyone on the casinos – everyone is stuck to their machine and everyone looks miserable
3. Catch the Sirens show outside Treasure Island. Josh enjoyed it as it seemed to be women pirates gyrating to music with not many clothes on!
4. Just people watch on The Strip – I have seen enough toupees and polyester to last me a lifetime. The silicone on show is also something to behold.
5. Walk along the canals in Venice – catching the singing gondoliers underneath
6. Admire the stunning fountains set to music and light at The Bellagio – so cool
7. Watch the circus acts in Circus Circus – contortionists, trapeze and rope artists – who needs tickets for Cirque Du Soleil!

Apparently you can also learn how to fire a machine gun at The Gun Shop and try on some serious show girl wigs at the store but haven’t found that one yet.

All this and I still have not gambled a cent…………….

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Lazin On A Sunday Afternoon

October 8th, 2007

Grand Canyon 2

Originally uploaded by roupiesontour

The past couple of days have been full of surprises.

Yesterday we drove through Flagstaff Arizona. My mental picture (courtesy of the Rolling Stones) was a small dusty town with a single petrol pump and the dustball rolling through the streets. The reality was a sprawling metropolis, the outskirts protected by trees and hills. It was also the first time we actually travelled on Route 66 – yeah! The clue to this was in the fact that everything from gas stations to motels and restaurants is suddely calle “Route 66” something or other.

Sedona, just south of Flagstaff had been recommended to us and the drive did not disappoint. Not only were the roads windey and excellent fun to drive (almost wish I was in an RV!) but it was like discovering a mini Grand Canyon. We stopped at an apple festival – complete with cowboy band, quilters and hillbilly corn stalls. It was an excellent opportunity for people watching. Oak Creek is stunning and we spent the afternoon sitting by the creek watching people jum off the cliffs into the lagoon, scary but mesmerising.

Sedona Cliff Jumping   Sedona View 1

Today was the big trip to The Grand Canyon. We stayed overnight in WIlliams so the drive there was just under an hour. Again the road went through pine forests and the lay of the land was quite flat. I found myself wondering if it was all some big hype as I thought I would see desert and large mounds (Yep just like in Airwolf and Thelma & Louise).

We parked the car – still nothing really to see – and followed the signs to walk to the trail. OMG……..I was speechless – the thing is huge and runs so deep and as far as the eye can see from left to right. Nothing can explain how it really is when the ground just seems to disappear right from under your feet – spectacular. If you ever get a chance you have to come and experience it. We “hiked” all along the South Rim – the path goes right along the edge so there are plenty of opportunities to get killed if the mood takes you. Josh took the role of photographer as it was quite scary at times. I say “hiked” as I have discovered that this is the American term for a walk over 100ft. What better place to have a picnic and spend a Sunday afternoon – am lovin it.

People do strange things to get a good photo – this guy was doing all kinds of strange acrobatics, the drop either side was massive.

Grand Canyon 8 

I also learnt a good trick today – this photo was taken with my sunglasses over the lens – in replacement of a polarising filter but it gives the photo a much more detailed look – just thought I would share!

Without              With

Grand Canyon 4 Grand Canyon Polarised View

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Twister – Strike A Pose

October 6th, 2007

four corners 009
Originally uploaded by roupiesontour

We were woken up very early this morning by the loudest thunder clap I have ever heard. It sounded right over head, Josh mumbled something about God and his train sets (he used to love Thomas The Tank Engine), rolled over and went straight back to sleep. so it was just me the grown up who needed reassurance!

The rain had stopped by mid morning which was really lucky as our first stop was the Mesa Verde national park. A civilisation of Pueblo Indians mysteriously disappeared from here in 1300. The park is an eerie place – view. The road to the visitor centre follows 15 miles of windy, mountain roads offering the most stunning views of the valley below. The park is behind a mountain so it’s like a lost world – a stunning, silent, red, yellow and orange lost world. A stag helped add to the atmosphere – he stepped out in the road about 200 feet in front of the car – looked at us – crossed the road and disappeared into the trees. Lucky the speed limit is only 25 mph.

We are gradually winding our way down to the Grand Canyon so by this afternoon the scenery had changed yet again. Travelling through mini canyons it’s like a pre-show ready for the big event – view. We stopped off at 4 corners – the only point in the States to have 4 states in one place – the borders of New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Utah. The twister style plate is on an Indian reservation so there were stalls selling amazing jewellery and a couple of caravans selling food that smelled amazing. I couldn’t resist and had to ask this v nice lady what she was eating, she let me taste so we had to order – frybread. It’s like deep fried tortilla wrap with powdered sugar on – yum. It was also very windy – look at this picture of Ophelie who got absolutely covered in the powdered sugar! Here

Tonight we are stopping over in Kayenta – a Navajo reservation near Monument Valley. Actually we are living the high life and in a budget busting hotel. The next town is 60 miles away and with a high wind warning the car was starting to get pushed around a bit. It’s full of bus tour tourists and although it’s very smart I’d take a motel any day. At least we get a hot breakfast tomorrow so Josh wants to get up at 7am so he can fully enjoy it!

Funny moment today – we have been playing Top 10 in the car quite a bit. Josh got to choose the subject matter today and came up with…………….monkeys. So our top 3 are…….
3. Clyde – Any Which Way Films
2. Jack – Pirates Of Carribean
1. King Louie – Jungle Book

My list also included MunKeeee that ridiculous cloud travelling, heavily dubbed simian – but the kids had no idea who he was!

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Close Encounters Of The Husky Kind

October 5th, 2007

Sand Dunes 3
Originally uploaded by roupiesontour

October 4th – Thursday

Was up far too late on the laptop trying to sort out the Maui segment – flights were on special for $19! We also had to get up early to vacate the lodge – result was very tired today.

We started off back at the Great Sand Dunes Park and decided to take a hike up to the dunes. We were one of the first ones there so it was fun to look at all the animal tracks from the night – hoof marks and big paws too. Crossing the sand to get to the dunes took ages and the flats are misleading.

After we made it there was the defacing of a national monument to be done – we wrote messages in the sand followed by the stupid photo poses. We ran down the dunes only to remember I was supposed to be collecting sands from all over the world for my collection, so it was straight back up again. I had also forgotten the collection bags so I scooped a handful, by the time we got back to the car not much was left!


The UFO Watchtower was our next stop. ( Unfortunately as it is off season it is only open weekends but it did not stop us from having our own encounter. ………….
As we drove up a huge grey husky came bounding over to the car and tried to get in the window. I think he was starved of human contact. We tried to escape slowly but he followed us all the way back to the main road and we just couldn’t bear that. The kids had to get out and get him to follow them up the dirt track and distract him – we finally managed to escape without being stalked!

The scenery has changed again. The colours of Autumn have arrived here. The roads went up to about 11,000 ft and we passed some amazing looking ski resorts – bit sad with no snow but worth another visit one day. As they say what goes up must come down so driving down the mountain was excellent. You are stunned by the scenery and as soon as you turn the corner there is another stunning view. The valley view was the best – we stopped off for the photo opportunity and the chipmunks came out in force – the kids are fascinated by them.

Saw another eagle today – a brown speckled one just sitting on top of a wooden post by the side of the road and yes we were sure it was an eagle as we had just seen the picture in the visitor centre.

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The Sands Of Time

October 3rd, 2007

Bishops Castle 3
Originally uploaded by roupiesontour

October 3rd – Wednesday
I am writing this with a spectacular view just over my laptop. The mountains are in the distance (over 80 miles away) there is the San Luis valley before and to the side the peaky sand dunes of the Great Sand Dunes National Park. It is sunset and behind me the stars are starting to reveal themselves, in front of me the sky is orange, grey and blue. Jealous yet? I forgot to mention the motel is over 16 miles away from the nearest road so the only noise (apart from Ophelie giving Josh fashion advice) is the swaying grass and a chorus of crickets. This is what the trip is about – I wish I could transport you all here – you would immediately feel chilled out. I can’t wait to see the stars with no pollution later – it is a very clear night. The valley is also renowned for UFO activity so the chance to stay here ( was just too good to miss……………….

Our route today also took us to Bishop’s Castle. ( The castle has been built stone by stone single-handedly by Jim using a series of winches and pullies. You really have to see it to believe it. I climbed all the way up to the ball but chickened out of going outside. The ironwork was a bit too rickety for me and the view straight through your feet left me with wobbly legs – the kids had chickened out halfway up the tower! Loved the dragon on the top though.

We arrived at the Great Sand Dunes Park just before 5 (closing time) so will go back up tomorrow. The sand dunes are huge and again look like someone from the Sahara just decided to relocate some of the desert. Apparently you can go sand-surfing 🙂

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Pikes Peak Poses Proudly Over The Pines

October 3rd, 2007

Colorado Springs 4

Originally uploaded by roupiesontour

October 2nd – Tuesday

After a fretful night – the motel was busy and noisy we got up at our own pace. Garden of The Gods was the first recommendation and it did not disappoint – there are red rock formations that look like they have just been dumped in the middle of nowhere. The colour against the blue sky was amazing and there were also some blue jays whose feathers were like the Egyptian blue you see in pictures. We stopped off and also had a picnic there.

Colorado Springs has an historic town but it was really a line of shops and tourist traps. We had a drive to look at the old beautiful houses and then decided to go to the Air Force Training Academy. This was for Dad too and apparently the site houses a hollowed out mountain where among other things is the nuclear bunker the president would get evacuated to. Many a taxpayer’s dollar has been spent on the academy – it looks amazing and the sports facilities were very impressive – in fact on the way in we saw the cadets playing rugby – yep not American Football but rugby – Josh and I wanted to shout words of encouragement out the window but thought the better of it – especially as the car had been searched on the way in.

We have all found that we have itchy eyes and runny noses – at first I thought it was a cold from getting wet on Sunday. I think we all have hayfever! We finished off the day with a trip to the bookstore and Ophelie was very annoyed that we managed to find both To Kill A Mockingbird and Much Ado About Nothing. She has no excuse not to do the homework that I have downloaded for her! We were talking to the assistant and it turned out he was stationed at Chicksands in the 70’s – what a small world!

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The Shining

October 3rd, 2007

Rocky Mountains 1

Originally uploaded by roupiesontour

October 1st – Monday

I committed a sin and did not do my diary yesterday. I’m already trying to remember what we did………………..oh yes we went for a drive up in the Rockies – about 9500 feet up. The roads were very windy and the scenery fab so I was happy – windows down breathing in all that fresh mountain air.

I wanted to go to Estes Park, home of the Stanley Hotel. For me this was a bit of a pilgrimage as it is where Stephen King stayed and subsequently wrote The Shining – basing it on this hotel. I actually had goose bumps as it appeared on the horizon. Estes Park is a mid sized town and the hotel would not be shut during winter now due to the ski-ing but the hotel itself – wow. It did take a 2 hour drive to get to so Estes Park is really in the middle of nowhere.

We went in and had an ice cream in the café just to soak up the atmosphere. The hall, lounge and even the bar with its etched glass doors are all exactly like I imagined. The halls even had hardwood floors and there was one of those old fashioned lifts. We sat in reception on the old leather sofas with the log fires burning (yes even in the sunshine) just taking in the ambience. It really is a spooky place and apparently haunted for real. I kept saying to Josh – remember this room when you are old enough to read the book. The goosebumps did not leave until the view of the hotel had disappeared from my rear view mirror.

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Adrenaline Junkies

October 3rd, 2007

Twister 2 – On The Ride

Originally uploaded by roupiesontour

September 20th – Sunday

A clear blue sky, a view of the Rockies in the distance, complete with the first coverings of snow on the peaks – what a way to start the day. You have to love the location of the mile high city.

I caved in, well actually I really fancied a bit of an adrenaline rush myself so held out for a while to the kids pleas of “please can we go – ppppllllleeeeaaassseeee”, “Oh OK then”. So it was off to Elitch Gardens (, a Six Flags theme park just near the fabulous sports stadium – .

There were hardly any queues and the weather could not have been better. This is fortunate as after only an hour we went on the water ride and got soaked to the skin. If you look at the photos – check out the bridge over the ride. Yes we were walking across this and got soaked again with FREEZING cold water from the next boat to come down. My wallet is still wet tonight. Thankfully I can say the investment in “travel” clothes paid off as I dried off really quickly. Ophelie in her jeans took a while longer……………..I have nice lobster patches today from getting sunburnt, but I wear them with pride.

The thrill rides were very good for a small park. I actually chickened out on one – The Half Pipe. It’s a giant skateboard with 2 sections of people on it that twists and turns up a “U” section of roller coaster track – loved the look of the ride.

The best ride was the wooden rollercoaster – for those who have experienced one you will know how bone shaken you are when you come off but this one also had a tunnel which gave it a new dimension.

We also experienced ones where your feet went free, ones that you were horizontal and facing down, the loop that started off forwards and then went backwards (OMG – the drop before the loop felt so strange – but excellent), chair swings, my favourite the Waltzer, the Ferris wheel, a twister with carriages that inverted 360 degrees – oh so much for one day.

I love that feeling of coming off a ride when everyone suddenly feels like running and the grins that you see on everyone’s faces stretch from ear to ear, well apart from the few green faces. Josh rode his first loop today, we actually had to walk up flights and flights of stairs to get to it so the tension was high and boy did that tower shake while you were waiting in line and the ride went off. He was very glad to get back to solid ground but he tried it – I was very proud of him for conquering a fear without any pressure from me or his sister, he just wanted to do it.

The park was full of people but did not seem busy. I had a great time people watching – queuing to ride the wooden roller coaster again there was a group of teenagers behind us, one of whom was on the phone. Am I getting old, her conversation seemed to be about nothing – I wasn’t even sure there was someone at the end of the phone. We heard all about what she eat yesterday, her texting and what she was going to wear tomorrow.

“Like she said to me I don’t think I can because she said I hang round with all the popular kids”

“Like I know – that’s so retarded”
“Yeah, I know, like totally” and it went on and on and on.

There were also the Mums who were discussing the merits of different beauty schools for their kids and the Dad who trying to persuade his daughter that going on the biggest rollercoaster in the park was not a good idea as she would slip through the seat as she was too small. Apparently she had the ability to squeeze her legs together and hold on real tight – she was about 4. Just slices of life that are interesting as they are so different from your own. There were quite a few nudges from people when we all talked as we stood out – Ohhh I love your accent where y’all from?

Oh yes and the strangest character – Mr Ferris Wheel. About 50 – I would say very single. He had his own sign language for letting people on and off the wheel and beware if you stepped over the line. His work was his life and we caught him several times talking to himself and laughing………….this is the stuff of serial killers.

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And I Would Walk 500 Miles

September 30th, 2007

Wyoming View

Originally uploaded by roupiesontour

September 29th – Saturday

It was a bit of a pull leaving the cabin and all the dogs but it was time to move. We did really well and made it as far as Denver. The kids were very good and rather than travel again tomorrow we will stay in this area for a few days. The sight of a theme park by the kids might have helped this decision!

Unfortunately it was more open spaces/plains en route – it felt like we went round the bottom of the mountains. I don’t know how to explain these massive expanses, they are the colour of a Labrador – maybe a bit more mustard in colour. The texture is like that of short dog hair and when the wind blows the whole plain moves like a living thing. Every now and then there are mini flat topped mountains. They tell the geological history of the earth in the different coloured layers that make them up. Some have a few rocks, others have a few pines but generally there is just the Labrador fur as far as the eye can see. The road goes gently up and down – on the ups (as you can’t see the horizon) you pray that the view will change to something more exciting but no, as you ride the concrete wave it is just more of the same. The anticipation of crossing the mountains is getting far too much.

The wind is something else – I usually do about 100 miles on a quarter of a tank of petrol. Today I did only 50. Yes I did start to panic that we would not make the next petrol station as the fuel gauge needle was dropping like a stone. The lady at the gas station laughed as she recognised the relief on my face. Apparently there are many of us that come in with the same look.

As a treat for enduring the long journey we went to a diner for dinner. It had pink sparkly benches in the booths and the burger (my first one here) was mouth meltingly delicious. Also had a Reese’s peanut butter shake and the meal completely beat all of us – even Josh could not finish his fries.

Weird Sites – This is a retrospective one that I remembered in the car. In Chicago at the Super 8 there is a shuttle bus driver. He is about 6 foot 5 and dresses just like a 70’s pimp. He wears the same colour from head to toe – suit and hat complete with feather. I can’t remember his name but he made us laugh with his easy manner and jokes.

Biggest RV – an actual trailer and truck made into a portable home. The wife was sitting in the passenger seat doing her knitting. Only in America.

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