Twister – Strike A Pose

four corners 009Originally uploaded by roupiesontour
We were woken up very early this morning by the loudest thunder clap I have ever heard. It sounded right over head, Josh mumbled something about God and his train sets (he used to love Thomas The Tank Engine), rolled over and went straight back to sleep. so it was just me the grown up who needed reassurance!
The rain had stopped by mid morning which was really lucky as our first stop was the Mesa Verde national park. A civilisation of Pueblo Indians mysteriously disappeared from here in 1300. The park is an eerie place – view. The road to the visitor centre follows 15 miles of windy, mountain roads offering the most stunning views of the valley below. The park is behind a mountain so it’s like a lost world – a stunning, silent, red, yellow and orange lost world. A stag helped add to the atmosphere – he stepped out in the road about 200 feet in front of the car – looked at us – crossed the road and disappeared into the trees. Lucky the speed limit is only 25 mph.
We are gradually winding our way down to the Grand Canyon so by this afternoon the scenery had changed yet again. Travelling through mini canyons it’s like a pre-show ready for the big event – view. We stopped off at 4 corners – the only point in the States to have 4 states in one place – the borders of New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Utah. The twister style plate is on an Indian reservation so there were stalls selling amazing jewellery and a couple of caravans selling food that smelled amazing. I couldn’t resist and had to ask this v nice lady what she was eating, she let me taste so we had to order – frybread. It’s like deep fried tortilla wrap with powdered sugar on – yum. It was also very windy – look at this picture of Ophelie who got absolutely covered in the powdered sugar! Here
Tonight we are stopping over in Kayenta – a Navajo reservation near Monument Valley. Actually we are living the high life and in a budget busting hotel. The next town is 60 miles away and with a high wind warning the car was starting to get pushed around a bit. It’s full of bus tour tourists and although it’s very smart I’d take a motel any day. At least we get a hot breakfast tomorrow so Josh wants to get up at 7am so he can fully enjoy it!
Funny moment today – we have been playing Top 10 in the car quite a bit. Josh got to choose the subject matter today and came up with…………….monkeys. So our top 3 are…….
3. Clyde – Any Which Way Films
2. Jack – Pirates Of Carribean
1. King Louie – Jungle Book
My list also included MunKeeee that ridiculous cloud travelling, heavily dubbed simian – but the kids had no idea who he was!
Tags: America, Travel
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