Articles Tagged ‘Your Second Fifty’
Wednesday, December 28th, 2016
The smile was only the beginning
This is the Carrie Fisher I knew, which is to say I never knew her.

She had a substantial contribution to the creation of characters that were part of the magic of movies which my younger brother and I enjoyed. I never crushed on Carrie fisher or Princess Leia. My heart was already divided between Tina Turner and Yvonne Craig. I loved Star Wars, and I greatly admired the courage and humour of Carrie Fisher, the author, and the woman. She struggled and she lived fiercely, on her terms. The world has lost a fighter, an actress, a writer, a comedian and an advocate for mental health. I have nothing to add but my admiration for the choices she made. Thank You, Carrie Fisher, for your smile and your courage.
Posted in A lasting gift, Alumni, Art, Canada, Depression, Destinations, Hope, Humility, Living the dream, Longevity, Love, Wayne, Wayne Duplessis, Write, Writer, Your Second Fifty | Comments Off on Carrie Fisher
Thursday, January 1st, 2015
Happy New Year everyone.
Please make it a good year. Be kind for the sake of kindness.
Be good for the sake of goodness.
Be honest, be careful, be fair, and be prepared to say sorry.
Be unafraid to make mistakes, but prepared to learn from them.
Be good to yourselves for the sake of everyone who loves you.
Posted in A lasting gift, About Me, Alumni, Bali, Bread, Canada, Canadian English Course, CEC, Certification, Cherry, China, Ciputra World, Cita Hati, Coco Palms, competition, customer service, Debate, Depression, Destinations, Documentary, Education, Elly Hunara, ESL, European, Family, fitness, Frank Moffat, Fresh, furniture, futility, gap-year, Germany, Graeme, grief, Indonesia, Inter Nations, International Schools, Java, Kartini Day, Kirkos, Living the dream, Longevity, Love, Madura, Masa Cerah Depan, Mexican, Natural, Netty Poerrnomo, obscenity, Ontario, Orillia, Petra, public trust, Renaissance, requirements, Schools, Storytelling, Surabaya, tefl, tesol, Tesol certification, Tim Hannigan, Top Ten list, Travel, Trawas, tropics, unwise, vacation, video, visa, Water, Wayne, World Bank, Your Second Fifty | Comments Off on For the year ahead
Thursday, August 14th, 2014
[caption id="attachment_802" align="alignnone" width="150" caption="Frank Moffat"]

How would it feel to help someone you loved. What if a loved one could live a longer life, and live those extended years ...
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Posted in A lasting gift, Canada, customer service, Documentary, fitness, Frank Moffat, gap-year, Health, Indiegogo, Life outside of work, Living the dream, Longevity, Love, requirements, Travel, vacation, Your Second Fifty, YSF | No Comments »