Articles Tagged ‘Cherry’
Friday, April 7th, 2017
Posted in A lasting gift, About Me, affordable, Africa, Alumni, American, Amsterdam, Argentina, Art, Asia, Aspirations, At the office, Atlantic City, Australia, Avenger, Baba Ghanoush, Bali, Bangkok, bar, BBA, beach, Beer, BGS, bottle, Bridges, Bruce Wayne, Budget, business, Business Administration, Cambridge, Canada, Canadian English Course, Career, CEC, Certification, Charity, Cherry, China, Cita Hati, Classroom, Cloze passage, cohort, College, communicate, Community, competition, Conversation, courage, customer service, Debate, decency, Degree, degrees, Depression, Destinations, Development, difference, dining, discussion, Documentary, Double Degree, Duplessis, Education, employee relations, England, ESL, esl practice, essays, European, excelsior, exist, Expats, Family, fitness, futility, gap-year, Germany, graduation, Guru, Health, humanity, Humility, IELTS, Independence Day, Indonesia, Intercultural, International, International English Language Testing System, International Schools, Java, Lamar University, Las Vegas, lawrenceduplessis, leadership, Les Privat, Life outside of work, Links, Living the dream, Locals, Longevity, Love, Macau, Madura, Mariposa, Marketable, Masa Cerah Depan, Merdeka, Mexican, Monte Carlo, Muay Thai, Municipal, Networking, Ontario, organization, Organizational, overseas, overseas living, Passport, private, Private lesson, public trust, quality, Rating, re-invent yourself, Reconstruction, Renaissance, repair, requirements, resolution, responsibility, revenue, school, Schools, Sheraton, Siam, Siam Institute, Siam Technology College, Stand, Storytelling, Surabaya, teacher training, Teaching, teaching in Asia, Technology, tefl, Tefl Indonesia, Tefl International, tesol, Tesol certification, Texas, Thai, thailand, TOEFL, Top Ten list, Top Ten lists, traditional, training, Translation, Travel, Truth, TV, United States, University, USA, vacation, video, Vocabulary, Water, Wayne, Wayne Duplessis, wayneduplessis, Write, Writer, Youtube | Comments Off on Improving your life shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg
Sunday, June 7th, 2015
Thank you to everyone who attended Internations Surabaya’s June 6th Event at the Sheraton Surabaya. All the faces, both familiar and newly discovered. If you weren’t there, hope we see you soon.
The band was excellent, playing top 40, classics, as well as a good section of Latin music that got everyone up and dancing.

Thankfully the hotel GM saw food running low and re-filled. Cheap beer prices were also helpful.
Next event we hope to be able to offer door-prizes.
April’s event at Burg&Burp was 130 attendees
May’s Event at Supresso Coffee bar was 90
June’s event was 67 paid attendees.
We have a couple of out of town trips planned for June/July. We’ll keep you posted
Thanks to Chris Kyriss, Jessy Natalie Kyriss, Catherine Moore, Emily Tjandra, Adryan Sutanto Chandra,Chris Moore (the hardest working GM in Rock& Rol …(er the Sheraton) the band, and the staff and crew of the Sheraton Surabaya for their tireless efforts. It was a great evening.
InterNations Surabaya June Event at Sheraton Surabaya Hotel & Towers
Saturday, June 6 at 6:30pm
Sheraton Surabaya Hotel & Towers Jalan Embong Malang No. 25-31, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60261, Indonesia
Posted in A lasting gift, About Me, Art, At the office, baked, Cherry, competition, customer service, Destinations, dining, Duplessis, Fresh, Inter Nations, Networking, nightlife, Oktoberfest, pub, quality, Rating, requirements, restaurants, Sheraton, Surabaya, Top Ten list, Travel | No Comments »
Thursday, January 1st, 2015
Happy New Year everyone.
Please make it a good year. Be kind for the sake of kindness.
Be good for the sake of goodness.
Be honest, be careful, be fair, and be prepared to say sorry.
Be unafraid to make mistakes, ...
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Posted in A lasting gift, About Me, Alumni, Bali, Bread, Canada, Canadian English Course, CEC, Certification, Cherry, China, Ciputra World, Cita Hati, Coco Palms, competition, customer service, Debate, Depression, Destinations, Documentary, Education, Elly Hunara, ESL, European, Family, fitness, Frank Moffat, Fresh, furniture, futility, gap-year, Germany, Graeme, grief, Indonesia, Inter Nations, International Schools, Java, Kartini Day, Kirkos, Living the dream, Longevity, Love, Madura, Masa Cerah Depan, Mexican, Natural, Netty Poerrnomo, obscenity, Ontario, Orillia, Petra, public trust, Renaissance, requirements, Schools, Storytelling, Surabaya, tefl, tesol, Tesol certification, Tim Hannigan, Top Ten list, Travel, Trawas, tropics, unwise, vacation, video, visa, Water, Wayne, World Bank, Your Second Fifty | Comments Off on For the year ahead
Monday, November 3rd, 2014
Posted in A lasting gift, About Me, Canadian English Course, CEC, Cherry, Chocolate, Ciputra World, cookie, customer service, dining, Dips, fitness, Fresh, Health, Ice Cream, Ingredients, Longevity, Love, Natural, overseas living, quality, Rating, requirements, Sküp Ice cream, Surabaya, Wayne | No Comments »