November 4th, 2007Back here after many hours camped out on buses. Despite temperatures starting to drop still like the place with its easy going atmosphere, good food and even better fruit. But winter definitely on its way, the fountains being emptied and fenced of and went to the Emin mosque only to be the only one there and the sign said one of the nations major tourist spots.
After room neighbours making a racket until 6am and then a dodgy breakfast decided to take the VIP bus direct to Hotan from Kashgar. Not that I felt like a vip with the kid in the seat in front promptly throwing up and seemingly managed to continue in that vain for the next 9 hours and with sealed windows he made best use of the floor – and my feet !. Surprise the drivers don’t do a sideline selling travel sickness tablets as certainly a common complaint. The nomads seemed to have it down to fine art, who despite living in such harsh conditions, eating food that would leave me wanting to throw up and used to riding horses, only had to get on a bus and their stomachs would desert them. Given the hygiene standards in that part of the world probably didn’t make difference, thankfully something that couldn’t be said for this area and its muslim population.
The journey to Hotan passed thru some nice Uighur towns and villages, lots of donkey and carts and the odd camel. Didn’t stay long in Hotan, despite an ancient silk road town the place didn’t seem to have a lot going for it unless interested in buying jade.
So then it was another marathon trip across the desert, I think something like Turkeman desert, the second largest shifting sand desert in the world but writing from memory. In the background there was high snow covered mountains, in the foreground endless desert. Sadly as we went into the best part, the sweeping sand tunes which we all like to imagine deserts to look like the sun faded and we continued on thru the night. Eventually after 23 hours the driver summoned me to get off and it was a quick drive to here.
Tonight another long bus journey to Dunhugan