BootsnAll Travel Network

I’m a local

appearance wise that is 🙂 lol… Until I open my mouth to talk is when the locals realize that I’m not. “Oh your face is Indonesian” is the saying I get from many locals. I’m definitely going to fit in just fine 🙂

Two days in Bali and how do I feel?

Fantastic – I love it here! The people are extremely nice, the weather is gorgeous and the pace of life is very slow and chill…which i love!

This morning I made my way back to Kuta Beach and walked up to one of the many food carts on the beach and ordered another round of Nasi Goreng with a coffee. Total price: 12,000 rupiah ($1.20) It was cooked right in front of me – very authentic and absolutely delicious! Finally real food!! Hands down beats the Nasi Goreng at the airport by miles! For a little spice, they have what is called Sambul (red hot paste – can easily be compared to siracha back home) – good stuff!

I spent most of yesterday and today layin’ on the beach, caught up on some reading and watching the surf. An advantage of having the look of a “local” – Sellers on the beach bypass me and go straight for the light skinned blonde beside me – it’s pretty funny;)

Anyway, I finally got some pics up….Didn’t take much. It took forever to load on the flickr site so it’ll probably be awhile before I can post more….Enjoy!

Here’s the link


13 responses to “I’m a local”

  1. JuLeS says:

    Glad to know you are fitting in well! Just saw your pics and there are so many tourists over there. The food looks really good and is also super cheap. At least that won’t hurt your pocket…ha! Well have a great time, be safe and keep us updated when you can!

  2. Josh says:

    Looks like your fitting in just fine… Bring me back some Bintang singlets….

  3. annnnnnna says:

    u keep all your stuff in that little pack? how do u do laundry?????? be safe

  4. chingYa says:

    1) the waves look so nice… not the choppy crappy waves up here in nor cal… and I bet the water isn’t like 40F

    2) I wasn’t hungry until I saw the food pictures … *sigh*

    3) Damn, there’s a lot of foreigners! maybe it’s just the area your in…

    sucks the that the photos take forever to DL… maybe take smaller sized ones? IDK 😛 or I guess your just going to have to start writing a lot more detailed entries to make up for less pictures, lol 😛 j/k

    okay, enough of my mini-vacay looking at your pictures.. back to working on my seriously not-very-fun-at-all proposal :*(

  5. GDIZON says:

    Hey Sops! Good to hear your safe and your having fun. I am so jealous!!!! Also pictures look great. Enjoy your self… Be Safe!

  6. Iris says:

    Thanks so much for the pictures, Sops! Great shots. Did the fried rice taste as good as it looked? And talk about price, geez, it’s pretty inexpensive there! Wait, what the heck is that thing, bintang singlets, that Josh wants??? Sorry, just curious. hehehe..Glad to hear you’re enjoying out there and that you’re fittin’ well. Be safe & take care


  7. Tasha says:

    wow…it sounds like you are def having a great time…i really hope i can do something like that one day…just go off by myself and travel…but it sounds like its cheap there! well good luck and cant wait to read more!!! take care xoxo

  8. Anna says:

    Hi Sophia!
    I just saw the pics and the food looks yummmm! Is it as good as it looks? Glad you’re having blast. Can’t wait to see more pics. Hey, drink some of that beer for me!! Tatah! Mwah!

  9. j.ILL says:

    ha ha ha nasi goreng.. yum looks super good! all the pics look great!! glad to hear that u made a friend and that u are fitting in.. well that wasnt a surprise ha ha… ok Indo girl.. i’ll catch yeah.. cant wait till the next blog…


  10. Czar says:

    Soph.. great to know you are doing good and enjoying the local food and scenories…
    Very important stuff!! lol… Wish I can join you there. Liz & I are planning a crazy trip like yours.. but yes we need to start saving. lol.

    Can’t wait to read your next blog and see more pics. Just always be safe and take care…


  11. Hung says:

    Well look at you, looks like your fitting in just fine. Glad you’re having fun, the food looks really yummy already! =P

    Anyway, just stoppin by to check up on ya. Don’t forget to buy a shank! If you can’t find one, make one!! 🙂

  12. Aaron says:

    Sounds like you’re already having a great time!! Love the monkey – haha! Such an awesome experience… keep having fun 🙂

  13. Cheryl says:

    I’m so jealous you’re out there, looks like you’re have a wonderful time! Just try to talk with a fobby accent while you’re out there hahah JK…Take care. Love ya!

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