Good times with fam and friends
What a weekend? Or shall I say… What a week?
I’m blessed to have such extraordinary people in my life. I truly have the greatest family and friends! Thank you to all for coming out this past week to wish me well. And thanks for the gifts! Much appreciated and you all will be missed. Sam and Iris- I can’t say this enough, thank you again for “adopting” me for a few months. You both have supported me and my wander-lust to travel and it means the absolute world to me.
Thanks to all for keeping up with my travel stories and rants. I started this blog site for one reason only and it was to keep my family and friends posted on my whereabouts… But now it goes deeper than that. I hope to inspire others to do the same.
The count down continues…Two more days before take off!
I’ll leave you all with photos of my nephews. I will miss them dearly! Feel free to comment on how cute they are, it doesn’t get tiring
Tags: China, Travel
Hey cuzzo! Sam and Iris kids are so cute… Like I said on our short conversation on the phone. Be Safe, keep us updated, and God Bless. Remember your family are here for you. I would also like to say you have inspired me so much on what you do. I can’t wait to hear more from you soon. Love and miss you cuzzo!