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Dont even think about running, CCTV is here.

April 12th, 2009

CCTV cars snap distracted drivers

That was the title which made me think, what a crock of shit’.

The government has devised another money making scheme which involves getting in peoples faces once again and reducing peoples freedom by sticking cameras, cctv, on the top of smart cars and snapping away at everyone and anyone passing the bastard device in their cars. Its meant to catch people out who are talking on their phones, eating, even changing the radio station. These spy cars will be parked at junctions and be snapping people up all day.

This deterent will serve to reduce the number of accidents. Along with that excuse comes a fine if caught, points on your licence and an abusive, threatening letter from the government.

No-one knows the exact figure of CCTV cameras in the UK. the estimate is that ther are around 4 million of tem in the whole country with half a million in London. Now what we are doing with so many cameras I dont know. I suppose half of them have been set up to milk an already drained cow that is the British public. With speed cameras leading the way the government are on to a good thing.  What is the purpose of a speed camera? To make sure that motorists arent speeding. Why is speeding bad? Cos you might knock someone down and kill them. So why are they on motorways and dual carriagewayswhich see no-one cross the road. ITS FOR THE REVENUE.

1/5 of the money raised from speed cameras is used for road safety campaigns. The rest of the money goes where? We know where, straight to the lying bastards that brought us the speed camera in the first place, the politicians.

In 1997, when Labour came to power, there were 712,753 speeding tickets issued as a result of motorists being caught by camera and police patrols.

By 2006, according to figures released by the Home Office in a Commons written reply, this had soared to 1,773,412.

With the cost of a Fixed Penalty Notice having risen from £40 to £60 in 2000, this has meant that the cash raised increased from £28.5 million to £106.4 million.

With more and more cameras coming to a road near you what does this suggest? Are the government actually doing this for our safety?  Would they still do it if they couldnt collect fines? The answer is NO. They have found a gold mine with  ‘CCTV’ and wont let it go, as much as they wont let go of our balls with which they have a firm grasp.  With the trend of youths carrying knives continuing and an increase in anti social behaviour I dont think that the 4 million CCTV cameras have done much.


Dubai: From riches to rags

April 6th, 2009

Dubai: From riches to rags

Read about the not so glitzy side of Dubai. How fella from Asia are brought in to do the dirty work, under virtual slave labour.



April 4th, 2009

HA, yeh thats me. big fashion guru. Nahh, never been into fashion. Its just not me. I wear clothes to do the job of hidding the naughty bits on my body rather than make a statement. I do like to use decent clothes though but dont follow trends. In London trends are BIG. Now I mean big. The current trend that i have seen in the London stores would go down well with my gay friends back in Mexico. Not sure if the theme is gay or what but the clothes just look, gay. Bright pink T-shirts. Floresant yellow jumpers. crazy green trousers. fucking ugly multi coloured trainers. vomit coloured hats fit for Elton John. Some of the most trendy buys on the London high street right now. Shit I’ll be saving myself a fortune if thats all there is to buy. Cos I wont be buying sod all. Ill put some pics up so you can see this fashion nightmare for your own eyes. When I left for Mexico there were some pretty good clothes for sale in the UK shops. A few years later and shit has hit the fan. No sorry, make that, shit and the toilet that holds it, have hit tha fan. its bad.

Theres these new type of trouser which i saw increasingly in mexico and now here called, ‘skinny’. basically its a trouser that any normal dude wouldnt be able to get into unless he was an anorexic and had his balls chopped off. Thats how dam skinny they are. I dunno who decides that they would like a pair of ‘skinnys’ and then actually go out in public in them without it being a dare or something.

example of skinny

heres a photo of what im talking about. good luck to him.

 fashion is an odd thing. especially when you follow it and have to change your wardrobe and style for it every season or when a new look comes out. for example the fella in the above pic probably didnt dress like that 5 years ago. how did he look then and how did he end up looking as he does now?

 Maybe he dressed like this,

hip hoper

 ones personality cant change so drastically and i think clothes reflect ones personality to an extent. What will the fashion follower dress like next? will there music tastes change too? Or am i getting the wrong end of the stick.

perhaps people dress according to the sub culture, they think they belong to. Like hip hoppers, punk fellas, gothic people, etc. And their fashion changes. Probably so.

below are some trendy guys in 2009. ———————————————-

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Boris in angry exchange over snow

April 2nd, 2009

Boris in angry exchange over snow

read all about it up above. Big Boris, stands up to his integorgators, all credit to him. I very much liked his style on this on. We had massive snow in feb here in London. Out of the blue. Not seen in 20 years. The bastard snow sent buses skidding, people falling and trains not moving. So Big Boris decided to cancel the bus service and offered a reduced train service. Not good enough!!! MP’s say Boris failed. He let London down. He slipped up. Well, what did they want?

The committee asked Mr Johnson what action he had taken before he was made aware of transport problems on 1 February.

The mayor replied: “I observed that it had started to snow.”

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April 2nd, 2009

IS IT? was it? nah. im talking about the G20 protests. didnt go down there but might tomorow for a snoop. Might pack a spare brick should things turn ugly. Not much ugliness today, one fella with blood one his head on the news, a few smoke bombs thrown and windows broken. People are entitled to get angry, after the months of shit the news channels are turning out daily, it makes one angry. Scandal scandal scandal. Everyday. Its ridulcus. Bankers pocketing millions, politicians doing the same, whether it be through claming expenses on second home-bastards- or through cash paid to bent politicans for legislation favours, tax up to the hilt. Man this society really is fucked. Its time for change.

2 April UPDATE– well, g20 have worked out a plan worth $100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 or somewhere close to.  suppose it will work, will have to wont it cos nothing else is gonna get done. if we want real change, i mean mad max style change we would ALL have to make it down to london or wherever the big dogs meet/kiss each others ass with our brooms and frying pans. thats not gonna happen is it? we are quite comfortable so it wont happen in a place like UK or USA. You gotta be talking dirt poor, corruption rife places like Zimbabwue for revolution. Unfortuntely the protests wont achieve much but people Do have the right to vent frustration. Im all for violent protest. Participating in one is another matter though………………(read this– WIMP)

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madonnas getting another baby

March 29th, 2009

madonna is adopting another baby. Some are questioning Madonna about whether she should do it. I dont see why not.  gonna have a better life with her than in a malawi orphange.  didnt jolie and pitt adopt and football team too? not sure if there was bad media against that, -i was in mexico buffered from news- but good for madonna.


booking it all day every day

March 29th, 2009

yeh im gonna be booking it from now on. dealing in books, mags, papers that sort of thing. no more standing in front of people wanting to learn English to get a better job. chingado im a friggin librarian. I have a job and i wanted to do that so im verrrry happy. its good news. im advancing with our plan. step 1 complete. time to turn attention to step 2.

man, i need to get into the role, get me one of those brown jackets with the elbow pads and some glasses with 2 inch thick lenses a side parting, im so exicited. maybe i might be working with a gal like this—–>


wow. im expecting too much. i never try to expect anything.


Its fred the shred, stupid

March 25th, 2009

He wrecked RBS. He helped wreck the economy. He wrecked a lot of peoples lives. Now its time to wreck FRED THE SHRED. sorry, SIR Fred Goodwin, -sir for his outstanding contribution to the financial services- is the correct way to say it.

Anyway his house got stoned and his car too. About time he got stoned (i mean with stones)  or thrown in jail.  Serves the fella right. He not only fucked up the Royal Bank of Scotland which the government had to rescue with tax money but he took a £700,000 a year pension and after condemnation from just about everyone including the PM he refuses to give any of it up. The TAX PAYER is paying it. Imagine, rewards for failure. Its sick to be honest. I knew some similar shit has gone on in the States too with AIG. Corruption. Its really sick. Anyway his house got attacked. And in an email sent to a local Scottish paper, ‘this is only the begining’……………………..


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Job Recruitment Agencies

March 25th, 2009

Here in the UK a popular method of finding work is via a ‘recruitment agency’. You registar your details with the agency and they suggest suitable work for you.

Once upon a time, after I had finished University I went along with my CV, I had had a few part time jobs before.  I registered and had a call very soon after telling me that there was a 2 weeks assignment in a leading local business. It was an admin position. So I dusted down the suit, and set of nice and early the next day to this promesing post. I arrived. Got sat down down at a little round table. Was told I had to sort throw a heap, now I mean a fucking mountains worth of paper/documents whatever the shit it was into a alphabetical order. The combined height of the load was taller than me. Shit I thought. Well I sat there like a twat all day making piles of ‘a’ of ‘b’ of ‘c’ etc. I did try my best at it. I wish the recruiter would have reminded me to bring a bottle of whisky and shotgun along.   I was given a cream bun at least by one of the staff who took pity on me.  Lots of things went through my mind, mostly about whether I should do a runner that day or simply not come back the next. I thought what nob has allowed so much paperwork to get in such a disorganised fashion. Or was it a ‘sympathy’ task to get me a bit of work. Whatever the answer I didnt and havent been back to that shithole.

I once registered with another agency, lets call them ‘reed’. They never got me any work. Alot of questions, alot of tests and generally alot of bull.

Now I find myself at a stage where I am dareing to reregistar once again with ‘the recruitment agency’. This is out of desperation. I need a job and need one fast. I have had a browse through the websites of a few agencies and usually come up with alot of crap. I registered for email job updates or something and get sent jobs for CEO positions or with job titles I never knew existed. Utter shit.

What happened to the days where you applied directly to a company from a newspaper. Where you knew what the terms were. Who knows why the ‘recruitment agency’ sprung up with such force as it has done the last 10 years. Is this the same in the United States, Europe, other countries?

Anyway, I found a post from another forum which sums up the situation nicely.,.. have a read——


A Quick Analysis of ‘Specialist Recruitment Consultants’ and how to deal with Recruitment Agencies if you find yourself in the desperate position to actually have to use them and deal with their outright unprofessionalism and incompetence.


Commandeered by gobby lower-class loud-mouthed fat uneducated unintelligent females who don’t understand the area of work you are looking for e.g. Finance when they are working as a ‘Specialist Financial Consultant’. How can you have a recruiter working in accountancy and not knowing basic areas of accountancy such as Accounts Payable is? “What’s Accounts Payable?” she asks. If it’s not an overweight stupid thick cow, it’s ‘Slick Greasy Rick’ fresh into the role and all full of motivation to earn commission after being sacked from his former sales job for aggressive selling. Pathetic.


They ring you up on a withheld number and insist on you coming into their office (even if you’re 100 miles away) yet when you arrive the point is not to see how you comport yourself, what you want or probe your cv further (which is what it is supposed to be about), it’s a case of them actually reading your cv properly and then realising they can’t help you anyway. A waste of time for both them and you. They have a penchant for you filling out loads of their unnecessary paperwork before they talk to you (wasting more time!). Everything that you write in the boxes on their pathetic forms is limited to information off your cv – so why on earth is your cv not good enough? Pathetic.


They are also difficult people to deal with in a room i.e. they are naturally extroverted to the point of ego-maniacs, talk without listening, don’t listen, are most of the time tuned up to the eyeballs on cocaine, totally domineering, put on a silly style of voice to sound business-like and wear big silly pink ties with huge knots against a black shirt. Gelled hair is also common. With the girl recruitment consultants, its usually a BHS outfit and they often are eating something when you talk to them like a Greggs pasty because they don’t have any manners nor intelligence. Pathetic.


They are never truthful. Why do they feel the need to talk lies to you for 10 minutes on a call, book an appointment with you over the telephone, tell you they will email you confirmation and then never email you? They aren’t professional enough to end the telephone conversation by saying ‘Sorry, I can’t help you’. Much of the time this is because they are incredibly disorganised workers, hence the minute they get off the phone with you, the phone rings again and by the time they’ve finished the call they’ve forgotten about your initial conversation. Pathetic.


They try to “match” you to daft roles like Chief Financial Controller of Enron Corporation because they see you are studying the first year of the CIMA qualification! Hilarious! I had some fat silly cow insistent on putting me forward for a position as a Commercial Management Accountant for a small company post when I’ve never compiled returns or done a cash flow statement! On their own cv, “matching” is supposed to be one of their ‘key skills’ as the trendy and demented business/work words go however they don’t really get it…Some of them even “match” just on the premise of job title alone! If you’re title is ‘Finance Officer’ they then ring you up with ten jobs all with the title of ‘Finance Officer’, even if the actual responsibilities of the jobs are completely different. It really is all very pathetic. Much of these “mis-matchings” also comes from the pressure on recruitment ‘specialists’ to fill roles and look busy – in short ‘anybody might do’ in the back of their mind. Pathetic.


In the good old days pre 2000 (I’m only 26 but remember it well) you could apply to companies direct. In the jobs newspaper there were adverts with actual company names and you applied to the HR facility within the company. These adverts have all disappeared and the situation now is a pathetic one, where every job advert is displayed only by recruitment agencies and so you have to deal with their pathetism and work for them! Lol. Almost everything is also on the internet, which is problematic because ALL the recruitment websites are incredibly poor and look like they have been developed by a child, and all you get now is 15 web pages at a time with the name Page Personnel on it and very suspicious advertised roles i.e. they are almost always very narrow roles and always with bad grammar and spelling mistakes, pretend Job descriptions/ Specs and no deadline date for applying. Don’t think the Job Centre will be your saving grace either – that place is just a vehicle for agencies these days. In short, everybody is stuck dealing with these pathetic incompetent recruitment firms, looking for a new demented job. Pathetic.


In short, their customer service is dreadful. They don’t understand the idea of needs – unless it’s their clients needs (i.e. the business they are recruiting on behalf of). When, as a ‘candidate’, you tell them that you want a particular salary per annum they always translate that to that figure or minus (up to) £5k, often much less. In the past I have had silly girls ringing me up offering me 3 month contracts for daft roles well below my “skills set” to use their pathetic terminology hundreds of miles away from where I live! I’ve even had one girl ask me if I was interested in a Customer Services Advisor role because I worked a job like that 7 years ago! Ridiculous. They also don’t realise that most people are desperate to escape their demented office job (99% of modern jobs) and so plan a budget based on the lowest they can live on just to get the hell out of what they are doing. They don’t ring you back when they say they will, or keep you updated with anything – it’s all very time-consuming, superfluous, completely disorganised and chaotic at their end, and INCREDIBLY IMPERSONAL AND YOU’RE LEFT WONDERING WHERE YOU STAND WITH ANYTHING. Another thing to add is that many of them operate on premium rate phone lines (mad I know) and so this and a million voicemails ends up costing you a small fortune if you are not careful on your mobile. Pathetic.


Long term development with roles is also never mentioned and no research is done on their behalf with their “client” to unearth this. More than often these recruiters don’t really know what responsibilities come with roles and when you ask them they spout out a load of lies (naturally) so be careful. 99% OF THE TIME THEY DON’T EVEN HAVE AN OFFICIAL JOB DESCRIPTION FOR YOU! It’s strange because this is a sales tool for essentially a salesman (i.e. recruiter), but because they are so thick and incompetent they don’t twig this. But then that’s a Consultant for you i.e. pre-occupied with the present and minimum detail – today is the day to earn commission and that’s as far as their vision and thoughts takes them. Pathetic.


1. The present recruitment process IS A DEMENTED JOKE.

2. Recruitment Agencies are overwhelmingly Inept, Unprofessional & as a result waste alot of their own time and your time.

3. I yearn for a return to the days of in-house recruitment, where you could stroll into the newsagents and pick up a jobs newspapers with job adverts that had proper job specs/ descriptions, dates to apply and you sent your application DIRECT to the employer.

Unfortunately those days have passed! Your best off emigrating outta the whole mess.

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Join the without a job club

March 15th, 2009

Its quite depressing. 10 applicants for 1 job, in some places 60. Ive seen on a job agency website which allows one to see the number of applications made to a job, 400 applications for a job. That is sad. Sad for a developed nation, but nothing new to most people on this planet.

Uk unemployment continues to climb, now at about 6%. In the United States I believe its hovering at around 7%. Go to Afganistan, its 40%, Zimbabwe 80%. These are extreme cases I know. Spain is at 14% unemployed.

For the developed nation this is a disaster. For the developing nation, nothing new. They will feel the crunch as multinationals cut back and developing nations demand deceases. Its true. But for many in poverty it won’t make such an impact. For those of us used to luxuary, it will. The greed and excesses of modern day Capitalism and the crash of it highlights how spoiled some have become in the developed nations. I was living in Latin America several years and with local companies, paid local wages living a local life. As a brit I began to understand the difference in life between the ones who have and the ones who dont have. I mean the developed and deveopling nations. And I havent seen the worst of the worst, having lived in a wealthier developing nation. People live with low wages, and adapt to it.Well thats all they know, its not a question of adaption. They may not have the ‘designer’ clothes or latest gadgets or RTW trips or fresh air or stable jobs or a SUV or flat screen TV. God we are spoilt. Arent we. Not all of us but plenty of us.

For the 10 year old girl who spends her day washing car windows the recession is nothing new. Some people live a life of recession. I grew up in a developed nation and have certain expectations so when the recession hits you, you feel it. Well, Im not giving up just yet but returning to Latin America to ride out the recession looks like a good option
