BootsnAll Travel Network


IS IT? was it? nah. im talking about the G20 protests. didnt go down there but might tomorow for a snoop. Might pack a spare brick should things turn ugly. Not much ugliness today, one fella with blood one his head on the news, a few smoke bombs thrown and windows broken. People are entitled to get angry, after the months of shit the news channels are turning out daily, it makes one angry. Scandal scandal scandal. Everyday. Its ridulcus. Bankers pocketing millions, politicians doing the same, whether it be through claming expenses on second home-bastards- or through cash paid to bent politicans for legislation favours, tax up to the hilt. Man this society really is fucked. Its time for change.

2 April UPDATE– well, g20 have worked out a plan worth $100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 or somewhere close to.  suppose it will work, will have to wont it cos nothing else is gonna get done. if we want real change, i mean mad max style change we would ALL have to make it down to london or wherever the big dogs meet/kiss each others ass with our brooms and frying pans. thats not gonna happen is it? we are quite comfortable so it wont happen in a place like UK or USA. You gotta be talking dirt poor, corruption rife places like Zimbabwue for revolution. Unfortuntely the protests wont achieve much but people Do have the right to vent frustration. Im all for violent protest. Participating in one is another matter though………………(read this– WIMP)

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