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Archive for April, 2009

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Swine Flu Tuesday 28th April

Tuesday, April 28th, 2009

Its been here a while now. swine flu. just 5 days ago a cases were reported of a flu created from pigs. Now we are talking thousands of suspected cases in Mexico, and deaths ( figures vary. we have heard numbers ranging from 20 to 120) . There are 2 confirmed cases in the UK, and about 50 in the states with a few more cases dotted around the world, New Zealand, Israel, Spain.

No-one has to date has died outside of Mexico. This seems to be puzzling people. I thought about this. It could be that the flu is in a more advanced state in Mexico. Or as a Mexican friend has just told me, because the Mexicans are stubborn and wont/didnt go to the doctor for medicine. I think a lot of Mexicans who caught the flu and died probably didnt go to the doctor because they didnt want a day off work (which in most jobs in mexico you dont get paid if you have a day off). Or just brushed it aside. Until now…

 It seems to be that this flu can be treated with tamiflu, a viral drug. Or perhaps the poor health system and the population who have caught this flu -the poorer people- have contributed to a high death rate.

  I have my girlfriend still out in mexico there saying that people are paniking and that there are few masks left over. I just hope that they can get it under control and find a remidy for this virus……

Nutin but a G string baby..!!!!

Tuesday, April 21st, 2009

Just as the heat has hit us here in london, it seems to be heating up nicely in San Fran. Check the pic. Taken by someone in the street, makes you wonder what went through that womans head in the morning before she steped out of her house. Of course she just might be a crack hoe, brain rotted out and oblivious to it all. are you thinking the same as me, ‘ why arent girls in london dressed like that?’

OR she might be a fashionista, cos they are cool and she is one of the first to get her paws on this……….

A new jean with a built in tanga-g string-. how fucking tacky is that. Tacky is good though.

UN anti-racism conference turns a bit, racist.

Tuesday, April 21st, 2009
So Western 'Diplomats' as they are called- i assume because they are 'diplomatic', not something we saw at Mondays UN anti-racism conference. The big deal with this conference is that Irans  President, Mr Ahmadinejad, called Israel a racist nation founded in ... [Continue reading this entry]

EXCULSIVE–Dirty, poisonous, sick emails sent by a Politician!!!

Tuesday, April 14th, 2009
YEH, you would think that the Prime Minister had been caught with his pants down forwarding kiddy porn to Maggy Thatcher. We dont expect much from our leaders nowadays and this latest story doestn live up to the hype that ... [Continue reading this entry]

Dont even think about running, CCTV is here.

Sunday, April 12th, 2009

CCTV cars snap distracted drivers

That was the title which made me think, what a crock of shit'. The government has devised another money making scheme which involves getting in peoples faces once again and reducing peoples freedom by sticking cameras, ... [Continue reading this entry]

Dubai: From riches to rags

Monday, April 6th, 2009

Dubai: From riches to rags

Read about the not so glitzy side of Dubai. How fella from Asia are brought in to do the dirty work, under virtual slave labour.


Saturday, April 4th, 2009
HA, yeh thats me. big fashion guru. Nahh, never been into fashion. Its just not me. I wear clothes to do the job of hidding the naughty bits on my body rather than make a statement. I do like to ... [Continue reading this entry]

Boris in angry exchange over snow

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009
Boris in angry exchange over snow read all about it up above. Big Boris, stands up to his integorgators, all credit to him. I very much liked his style on this on. We had massive snow in feb here ... [Continue reading this entry]


Thursday, April 2nd, 2009
IS IT? was it? nah. im talking about the G20 protests. didnt go down there but might tomorow for a snoop. Might pack a spare brick should things turn ugly. Not much ugliness today, one fella with blood one his ... [Continue reading this entry]