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Nutin but a G string baby..!!!!

Tuesday, April 21st, 2009

Just as the heat has hit us here in london, it seems to be heating up nicely in San Fran. Check the pic. Taken by someone in the street, makes you wonder what went through that womans head in the morning before she steped out of her house. Of course she just might be a crack hoe, brain rotted out and oblivious to it all. are you thinking the same as me, ‘ why arent girls in london dressed like that?’

OR she might be a fashionista, cos they are cool and she is one of the first to get her paws on this……….

A new jean with a built in tanga-g string-. how fucking tacky is that. Tacky is good though.

Chocolate Tax

Thursday, March 12th, 2009

Where is the love? Some politician wants to tax chocolate. Please, for gods sake, its some peoples only pleasure. Sure theres a obesity problem. But thats not the fault of chocolate only. What about the cakes, crisps, microwave meals, chips, take aways, pizzas, exotic hot drinks full of sugar, lack of exercise, something in the water, ………

Perhaps the internet should be banned or restricted or made more expensive. afterall people increasingly sit down for long periods on that. Theres so many culprits but chocolate  gets it. Its the governement looking for more revenue. At the end of the day thats it.

Have a look