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UN anti-racism conference turns a bit, racist.

Tuesday, April 21st, 2009

So Western ‘Diplomats’ as they are called- i assume because they are ‘diplomatic’, not something we saw at Mondays UN anti-racism conference.

The big deal with this conference is that Irans  President, Mr Ahmadinejad, called Israel a racist nation founded in compensation for the dire consequences of racism in Europe, they helped bring to power the most cruel and repressive racist regime in Palestine. Well, is he far from the truth? Wheres the lie? Is it too harsh. Should he just have sat in a corner,chewing on a pen and smiled all day? I congratulate him on speaking out. Its only a scandal because the western nations perception of what is right and wrong. Of course the western contingent never do wrong. Angels that they are. And who walks out? the white folk! did any Africans walk, Latinos, Asians, Arabs, Eskimos. Nahh.

Just shows a bit of arrogance on the white western world and their perception and views on world order lay. Like a school of fish they left in defiance, self rightous snobs.  Yet the jews can bomb the fuck out of Gaza and they dont even bat an eye lid. Mr  Ahmadinejad, dont be silenced by these freaks

Walkout at Iran leader’s speech

EXCULSIVE–Dirty, poisonous, sick emails sent by a Politician!!!

Tuesday, April 14th, 2009

YEH, you would think that the Prime Minister had been caught with his pants down forwarding kiddy porn to Maggy Thatcher. We dont expect much from our leaders nowadays and this latest story doestn live up to the hype that the media is giving it and the rest of the geezers in Parliment.

The news that has been running 24 hours a day for the past 4 FUCKING DAYS is about a labour geezer,  Damian McBride, Browns right hand man, his homie who believe it or not sent an email. If that was not socking enough wait til you hear this. The dude was gossiping about the opposition party in the email!!!!!!   Holy shit. Imagine the scale of this scandal. A politician talking shit about another politician. It gets worse.

He talked about 4 conservative politicians no less!!! yes thats right.

You havent heard the worst of it yet.  The bloody idiot sent the emails from his work email address. He didnt even bother to use his Yahoo or Hotmail account. Ive a feeling that if it was done over Facebook this whole mess would have never happened. Cos we all know that Facebook is the most important thing in life right now.

Apparently no-one knew about the emails.

QUOTE FROM BBC SOURCE- ‘  The spokesman added that nobody in Downing Street knew of the e-mails and that it was Mr Brown’s view that there was “no place in politics for the dissemination or publication of material of this kind”.

Where did McBride send the fucking emails to then? Either he cant use address book or he cant type.

QUOTE BBC SOURCE– The Tories said it was absurd that advisers were “plotting smear campaigns rather than focusing on how to help people affected by the downturn”.

HAHA. Wait til you hear the rest of the story. The torie have been hanging on to this god send cockup to attack Labour. Using it in infantile attacks on the PM im sure the Tories will be checking the latest polls at the end of the week.

Anyway, McBride wanted to post the gossip and slander on the Labour website. It never got that far, unfortuntely, but we still heard about it.  He lost his job over something which could have been written during a drunken urge to do over a few of the conservative cunts. Heres my emails and what ive got on the fuckers. Along with a few made up stories haha.

Good bye McBride.

READ the story—

I had said that the Tories were milking this story. Dragging it out to scavenge til the bones lay dry.

Days and days and days after the original story came out and goody 2 shoes, James- I lick shit with a smile on my face- Cameron has been out in front of the cameras, guess what doing? Yes, blabbing on about the fucking emails. Blabbing and blabbing about a email that contained a bit of gossip.

Now he says this, BBC SOURCE–

David Cameron has demanded a reform of Downing Street’s “culture” after a government adviser sent e-mails about slurs against leading Conservatives.

The Tory leader said Labour had “been in power too long” and Gordon Brown had to end “this sort of nonsense”.

HAHA again. Now whos talking sleeze. Whos attacking who. Whos retaliating? Whos trying to work out how to tackle pollution, fucking idiots. Give it a break!! Get over it, it was a fucking email, the fat fella who write the email has suffered and so has Brown(thanks to the medias  minute by minute coverage on this email, well theres nothing else happening at the moment apart from pirates).

Cameron has enlightened us. Apparantly its the Labour government who invented this culture. This culture of what? Sending out abusive emails? Fuck sake, Cameron the other week called Brown ‘ a phoney’ and got a slap on the wrist for it by the fella in the parliment who calls ‘order’. Does Cameron actually think that Labour invented sleeze, scandal and calling the opposition twats. Cos mR Cameron aint no angle is he now, as freshed face and good that he likes people to think he is.

Now the Tories are throwing in phrases like ” been in power too long”. Well since the email came out , i think he might be right. forget the last 10 years, whether you agree or disagree with Labours success. the email proves Labour have been in power to long. One little freaks email about a few croked politicans and ‘they have been in power too long. Whta the fuck has that got to do with anything. Stop trying to distract us CAMERON. Stop using excuses to win points. Come up with a few ideas yourself and we might vote for you. But you as bad as the fatty who wrote the stupid email.

Media, stop it with the coverage of this. How about talking about the Champions league quarters a more.

All in all its a tiitle tattle battle, nothng new, nothing untried. Same ol same ol. WAKE UP , AND SMELL THE SHIT, THE POLITICANS ARE TALKING AGAIN

Boris in angry exchange over snow

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009
Boris in angry exchange over snow read all about it up above. Big Boris, stands up to his integorgators, all credit to him. I very much liked his style on this on. We had massive snow in feb here ... [Continue reading this entry]


Thursday, April 2nd, 2009
IS IT? was it? nah. im talking about the G20 protests. didnt go down there but might tomorow for a snoop. Might pack a spare brick should things turn ugly. Not much ugliness today, one fella with blood one his ... [Continue reading this entry]