Join the without a job club
Its quite depressing. 10 applicants for 1 job, in some places 60. Ive seen on a job agency website which allows one to see the number of applications made to a job, 400 applications for a job. That is sad. Sad for a developed nation, but nothing new to most people on this planet.
Uk unemployment continues to climb, now at about 6%. In the United States I believe its hovering at around 7%. Go to Afganistan, its 40%, Zimbabwe 80%. These are extreme cases I know. Spain is at 14% unemployed.
For the developed nation this is a disaster. For the developing nation, nothing new. They will feel the crunch as multinationals cut back and developing nations demand deceases. Its true. But for many in poverty it won’t make such an impact. For those of us used to luxuary, it will. The greed and excesses of modern day Capitalism and the crash of it highlights how spoiled some have become in the developed nations. I was living in Latin America several years and with local companies, paid local wages living a local life. As a brit I began to understand the difference in life between the ones who have and the ones who dont have. I mean the developed and deveopling nations. And I havent seen the worst of the worst, having lived in a wealthier developing nation. People live with low wages, and adapt to it.Well thats all they know, its not a question of adaption. They may not have the ‘designer’ clothes or latest gadgets or RTW trips or fresh air or stable jobs or a SUV or flat screen TV. God we are spoilt. Arent we. Not all of us but plenty of us.
For the 10 year old girl who spends her day washing car windows the recession is nothing new. Some people live a life of recession. I grew up in a developed nation and have certain expectations so when the recession hits you, you feel it. Well, Im not giving up just yet but returning to Latin America to ride out the recession looks like a good option
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