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Saturday, April 4th, 2009

HA, yeh thats me. big fashion guru. Nahh, never been into fashion. Its just not me. I wear clothes to do the job of hidding the naughty bits on my body rather than make a statement. I do like to use decent clothes though but dont follow trends. In London trends are BIG. Now I mean big. The current trend that i have seen in the London stores would go down well with my gay friends back in Mexico. Not sure if the theme is gay or what but the clothes just look, gay. Bright pink T-shirts. Floresant yellow jumpers. crazy green trousers. fucking ugly multi coloured trainers. vomit coloured hats fit for Elton John. Some of the most trendy buys on the London high street right now. Shit I’ll be saving myself a fortune if thats all there is to buy. Cos I wont be buying sod all. Ill put some pics up so you can see this fashion nightmare for your own eyes. When I left for Mexico there were some pretty good clothes for sale in the UK shops. A few years later and shit has hit the fan. No sorry, make that, shit and the toilet that holds it, have hit tha fan. its bad.

Theres these new type of trouser which i saw increasingly in mexico and now here called, ‘skinny’. basically its a trouser that any normal dude wouldnt be able to get into unless he was an anorexic and had his balls chopped off. Thats how dam skinny they are. I dunno who decides that they would like a pair of ‘skinnys’ and then actually go out in public in them without it being a dare or something.

example of skinny

heres a photo of what im talking about. good luck to him.

 fashion is an odd thing. especially when you follow it and have to change your wardrobe and style for it every season or when a new look comes out. for example the fella in the above pic probably didnt dress like that 5 years ago. how did he look then and how did he end up looking as he does now?

 Maybe he dressed like this,

hip hoper

 ones personality cant change so drastically and i think clothes reflect ones personality to an extent. What will the fashion follower dress like next? will there music tastes change too? Or am i getting the wrong end of the stick.

perhaps people dress according to the sub culture, they think they belong to. Like hip hoppers, punk fellas, gothic people, etc. And their fashion changes. Probably so.

below are some trendy guys in 2009. ———————————————-