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Its fred the shred, stupid

Wednesday, March 25th, 2009

He wrecked RBS. He helped wreck the economy. He wrecked a lot of peoples lives. Now its time to wreck FRED THE SHRED. sorry, SIR Fred Goodwin, -sir for his outstanding contribution to the financial services- is the correct way to say it.

Anyway his house got stoned and his car too. About time he got stoned (i mean with stones)  or thrown in jail.  Serves the fella right. He not only fucked up the Royal Bank of Scotland which the government had to rescue with tax money but he took a £700,000 a year pension and after condemnation from just about everyone including the PM he refuses to give any of it up. The TAX PAYER is paying it. Imagine, rewards for failure. Its sick to be honest. I knew some similar shit has gone on in the States too with AIG. Corruption. Its really sick. Anyway his house got attacked. And in an email sent to a local Scottish paper, ‘this is only the begining’……………………..