BootsnAll Travel Network

Moroccan Misadventure #3

April 7th, 2006

This one wasn’t so bad…it involved henna.
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Moroccan Surprises…

April 3rd, 2006

I arrived safely in Morocco on Saturday… luggage did not…
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Morocco Bound…

March 31st, 2006

It looks like I may have to sit on my suitcase…
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It’s my birthday!

March 30th, 2006

I have quite a bit more to say about it than that…but I’m not sure I should get into it at the moment.
See….there’s this bar…in the East Village….where…if it’s your birthday….see, yhou drink for fre…! (Free!)
I tried not to abuse this priveledge…I had my occasional glass of water…and I know I made out better than Darren did a couple weeks ago, on his birthday, but it’s a tempting offer: as much alcohol as you can drink on the anniversary of your birth.
A bunch of my (kick ass) friends came out, and I had a really (really!) great night! Thanks to all: Mary, Suke, Darren, Ayhan, Paul and Willow (some random girl who’s birthday it was too)…your good wishes and thoughtfulness exceeded my expectations. I count myself lucky to have friends like you guys. (awww…You guys!)
It was great kick off to a new year which is already full of dreams.
(Ooooh….and on that note: thanks for the birthday song messages Philip…you rock…I would have answered if I hadn’t lost my cell phone last night. D’oh!)

Thanks all!


And now for something completely different…

March 23rd, 2006

It seems my discontent has paid off…let the adventure begin…
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No more whining…

March 20th, 2006

…it does no one any good.
I’m out of my funk…sorry bout that last post.
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Life is great…

March 18th, 2006

…so why do I feel so bad?
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Things just flow…

March 9th, 2006

It’s amazing how things are coming together this week…
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Sometimes all it takes is a good kick in the pants…

March 5th, 2006

As I’ve grumbled a bit about my current situation, I knew it was only temporary…now, even more so. Someone went ahead and put the final nail in the coffin.
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It’s funny

March 4th, 2006

Throughout my life I have both doubted and had too much faith in my abilities…but sometimes, without a doubt, I’m right on the money.
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