BootsnAll Travel Network

No more whining…

…it does no one any good.
I’m out of my funk…sorry bout that last post.

I swear it comes down to never ending winter making me blue (as I sit in my room listening to the wind howl.) It was nearly 10 degrees colder yesterday then it is typically this time of year. Brrr…
Oh well, spring will show up soon, I hope.
As I’ve mentioned, I quit my silly job. My last day is the 25th, but I have 3 days off before then. So I’ve got lots of free time in the next month. Now, to figure out what to do with it…
I want to explore New York a bit…give it the travel treatment, if you will. It’s so strange that I spent months seeing what every little town I came across had to offer…but I haven’t so much as been to a museum since I got back! And while I have no interest in going to the top of the Empire State Building ever again, I am planning to hit the Hayden Planetarium and maybe have a drink at the Top of the Roc.
The super dorky thing I really wanna do is take a ride on the Circle Line, the ferry that goes around the island of Manhattan. The last time I was there, if I recall correctly, was during my third grade fieldtrip! And while I know it’s an overpriced, touristy thing to do…I just can’t wait to get out on the water. (I embarked upon my 2005 global trip not at all enamored with boats, but after two yachts, about 15 ferries and one kyack, I’m now officially enamored.)
There’s a million things to do in this city, so I’m sure I can keep myself occupied over the next month. Still, I seriously want to get out of town for a few days at least…maybe a weekend. just sent me, for my birthday, $50 off one of their last minute trips. Sounds good to me…


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