Happy New Year
Saturday, December 31st, 2005I wanted to take a moment to wish the best kind of things to all those I know.
It has been an incredible year for more then a few of my friends…a year of adventure, love and joy…a year of marriages and babies…a year of sucess and happiness.
It is incredible to see so many of the people I know in such a happy place in life! It couldn’t happen to a nicer group of people!
As for me…this year gave me more then I could have hoped for, though it has instilled in me a never ending restlessness of spirit which I can only hope carries me forward…to more beautiful places where I’ll meet heartwarming people and gaze upon the best nature, and life, has to offer. Plans are forming…adventures are hatching…the journey never ends.
Cheers to all of you…you and yours…for a fantastic 2006…a year that waits to exceed your biggest dreams.