Off Again…
Wednesday, September 13th, 2006I’m packed and ready to go…which is easier and easier with every trip. My bag for 2.5 weeks is size of a nerdy junior high-schooler’s bookbag.
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I’m packed and ready to go…which is easier and easier with every trip. My bag for 2.5 weeks is size of a nerdy junior high-schooler’s bookbag.
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I’ve now posted stories and pictures from my fabulous trip to the Dominican Republic.
For once, I wrote my entires before hand…which may lead to a little confusion. Usually my site reads from the bottom up…but this time I’ve posted the entries in chronological order, part 1-5, this being part 1…the last being part 5.
Go ahead and read from here down and follow my little trip. Hey…keep reading if you haven’t seen the site lately.
I hope you enjoy reading this even one hundreth as much as I enjoyed this trip…at least a little anyway.