It’s my birthday!
I have quite a bit more to say about it than that…but I’m not sure I should get into it at the moment.
See….there’s this bar…in the East Village….where…if it’s your birthday….see, yhou drink for fre…! (Free!)
I tried not to abuse this priveledge…I had my occasional glass of water…and I know I made out better than Darren did a couple weeks ago, on his birthday, but it’s a tempting offer: as much alcohol as you can drink on the anniversary of your birth.
A bunch of my (kick ass) friends came out, and I had a really (really!) great night! Thanks to all: Mary, Suke, Darren, Ayhan, Paul and Willow (some random girl who’s birthday it was too)…your good wishes and thoughtfulness exceeded my expectations. I count myself lucky to have friends like you guys. (awww…You guys!)
It was great kick off to a new year which is already full of dreams.
(Ooooh….and on that note: thanks for the birthday song messages Philip…you rock…I would have answered if I hadn’t lost my cell phone last night. D’oh!)
Thanks all!
Tags: Life at 'Home'
I would have loved to be there and catch up with mary and suke. I did have a few drinks for you yesterday myself and wish you nothing but the very best for this coming year….
Feliz cumpleaños! Have fun in Morocco, and I’ll see ya on my way out to Peru!
whats the name of this palace of perpetual birth-inspired plastering? a free drink in manhattan? priceless.
For the record, the bar is Cheap Shots on First Ave. between 8th and 9th.
Not only do you drink free on your birthday, they have all sorts of crazy drink specials. On Wednesday Suke won a raffle where the prize is an hour of free beverages. Needless to say, we had fun!