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The Man

Monday, August 30th, 2004

Like so many people, one of my Big Dreams has always been to make a long journey all by myself. Now, after a few years of working the time seems right!

I’m so lucky to have no house or girlfriend to worry about 😎 so I can just get going and see where I end up. Two limitations though: want to do the Trans-Siberian railway, and as travel in Russia is still quite restricted I have to book some “semi-organized” trip; and my employer expects me to be back around March 2005. So, “No Plan” is essentialy about my travel spirit, since reality imposes some restrictions…

Leaving (probably) October 30th, 2004, that gives me a good four months to discover what Asia has got to offer. During this period, you should find regular updates here of my whereabouts and activities, mostly in English but I might revert to Dutch on lazy days. Along with the writings, I’ll also post some pics here that I find particularly nice or special, so that you can enjoy the trip with me.

Finally, some quick facts about me – in case you’d wanna know:

* I’m 26 years old, grew up in Ichtegem, West-Flandres, Belgium
* Studied in Leuven, Belgium, where I graduated in 2001 as a Commercial Engineer in Management Informatics
* Now working with the company Application Engineers, as a software engineer – or
whatever you like to call it
* For the past eight years I’ve been living in Leuven, but when I come back there’s a good chance I’ll move to Brussels – but that’s too far away to think about
* Countries I’ve been travelling before (just for fun, I’ll try to list them all in no particular order 8-): Egypt, Guatemala, Thailand, Laos, and in Europe: France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Austria…