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A weekend in London and a side trip to France

Sunday, February 21st, 2010

The beauty of Europe is being able to travel around the continent easily and cheaply, something which is lost on most Europeans but never fails to impress back home.

So to finish up my time in the northern hemisphere I headed over to London for the weekend to catch up with some friends and get very little sleep.

Then it was on a cheap and nasty Ryan Air flight down to Bergerac which is close to where my cousin is living. Out in the french countryside with his French girl friend. In a cave.


(My cousins house)

So from Bergerac I taxied into town to get a train to another town where Sam and Francesca picked me up and drove me further out to a little village (hardly a village, more like a collection of about 20 houses) to their house in a cave. Yes really. The area around the Dordogne is all important due to people living there 20, 000 years ago who lived in caves and evidently drew things in them as well. This is all very important obviously so Sam and Francesca live in a house built around one of these caves and in the summertime give tours to the hundreds of french tourists that turn up to see them. Sam can now even speak fluent french!

The next day we drove to Bordeaux to pick my Aunty Linda who had just flown in from NZ and my cousin Joe who was finishing a year in Edinburgh and on his way home. We spent 4 days hanging out in the french country side eating an amazing amount of cheese and drinking a lot of red wine. The weather was getting colder, now winter was arriving and while Sam and Francesca worked me, Joe and Linda took the car (left hand drive, so confusing) and cruised around the villages checking out some more ancient caves, giant chateaux (castles) and occasionally getting lost. It was all very French and to catch up with the family before I was back on a plane.

(Sam with the cheese and Linda and Joe keeping warm)

Back into London where I of course got caught in some tube breakdown meaning I was stuck on buses in rush hour trying to meet someone one the other side of town who would give me a ride back to Oxford.Eventually I made it to the car, headed to Oxford and partied all night, most of the next day at our end of year crew party which a huge crew had built over the week. Very impressive.

Dazed and a bit confused I managed to stumble onto the plane in Gatwick to spend the next 40 hours making my way home. Christchurch. Home again from another wee adventure

Bournmouth to Oxford

Monday, December 7th, 2009

Leaving Cambridge I learned there was a tube strike in London, excellent…lucky I had a few hours to make my way across town to catch my bus to Bournemouth so joined in with another couple of million angry people on the bus system but managed to get there on time and jump on my uber cheap mega bus down to Bournemouth to stay with Vikki who I had done an exchange type thing with when I was at high school. 6 years on Vikki owns a house with her boyfriend Martin and has a real job, sometimes I feel a bit irresponsible! But lovely to spend a few quite days chilling around Bournemouth in a nice house with a big double bed. Bliss.

We went strawberry picking, cooked yummy food, went to the pub, watched DVD’s, ate fish and chips at the seaside and had dinner with her family who I had stayed with last time. We even manged to track down a pair of steelcap boots I needed for my upcoming job I was feeling a little bit nervous about.I was due in Oxford on the Sunday and caught a train up on Saturday to stay a night with my friend Kate’s mum and step-dad, Marianne and John, who are doing a belated O.E living in Oxford. I managed to navigate my way to their place and spend the afternoon and evening with them. Nice to see some kiwi’s again and was very welcomed into their nice house. Oxford is a cool city, while dominated by the university its really busy, lots going on, beautiful buildings of course and only an hour away from London! Not having any student guides this time I couldn’t get into any of the colleges but still nice wandering around the streets all the same.

I got in touch with my boss for my upcoming job I was still very vague about, all I had heard that we were going to Denmark on Tuesday. He said someone could come pick me up the next day which was great. I walked around a few college parks the next day and lay around in the sun waiting till I would get picked up, unfortunately though an extra lock had been put on the door of the house which I didn’t have the key for so couldn’t actually get inside to get my stuff. Luckily Marianne and John eventually came back and I got in touch with the guys from work who turned up later on that evening to pick me up and drive me back out to the base, about 20mins drive from center of Oxford. Time to start my crazy job for the summer…

just another day at the best uni in the world; Cambridge

Monday, December 7th, 2009
My trip around England began to feel like a bit of a university tour as I left York uni for Cambridge to meet up with Pete, a guy I meet in Romania last year who had somehow convinced ... [Continue reading this entry]

York, just lovely!

Friday, July 17th, 2009
Last year in Egypt I had travelled for about a week with the wonderful Hugh and Brian from the UK and American respectively. Hugh was now studying in York so thought it would be a good chance to stop by ... [Continue reading this entry]

theres something in the air. Amsterdam to London

Monday, November 6th, 2006
Amsterdam, the city of sin where all your drug and sex related dreams come true legally. Jess, my lovely English friend who I worked with in London flew in for 3 nights to meet me which was great. By the time ... [Continue reading this entry]

Goodbye London

Saturday, September 30th, 2006
Well Im off, packed up my room, back to the backpack, a few more things to do then its out to make the long journey to the London airport which isnt even ... [Continue reading this entry]

A little tast of India

Sunday, September 24th, 2006
Crazy blog site had some problems and deleted all my august posts! Luckily they had them on backup somewhere so managed to get them all back but if you were wondering why my blog had gone back in time that’s ... [Continue reading this entry]

Perks of the job

Saturday, September 23rd, 2006
Things have been a bit quieter since carnival, the whole week after was very very slow as I guess everyone had had enough of going out. Things were back to normal this week though. Our managers have gone on away ... [Continue reading this entry]


Saturday, September 23rd, 2006
August 30th, 2006 Notting Hill carnival is the biggest street party in Europe and only 2nd to the Rio carnival, and I’d never heard of it! Our pub just happens to be on the carnival route and the whole area ... [Continue reading this entry]

staying hip in Notting Hill

Saturday, September 23rd, 2006
August 23rd, 2006 Ive been at the pub now for a week, and still there which is better than the last job! Its going really good, bit more relaxed than the first place, and the hours are better. Plus Notting ... [Continue reading this entry]