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Archive for June, 2008

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I’m going to Russia…

Friday, June 20th, 2008

Hurray, I have my passport back! Complete with a big Russian Visa sticker. Its scary not having your passport, its like my key to freedom and without it I am useless…so its nice to back safely in my hands rather than the dodgy Russian embassy.

Other than finalizing my visa I am in the process of buying supplies, working out last minute details and trying to get in some study for my final exam on Thursday, which has become a bit of a low priority. As with leaving for an extended period of time (although 5-6 months doesn’t seem like THAT long after my previous one year trip) there is always the good with the bad, and leaving people can be difficult. Trying to focus on the positive and put my attention on travel plans rather than think about the “what if…”

I had a book voucher that needed to be used so today bought the Eastern Europe LP and a Russian phrase book. As you can see by the photo I basically have a small library of Lonely Planet books which will only grow I can imagine, I think maybe I need to work for them or something so I can get free books (because, they are damn expensive!). But it is good to have guidebooks on the road, I like them and think as long as you don’t place all your trust in them they can be useful.

I am really looking forward to my trip, despite some not-so-good parts of it, and only 12 more days to go before I will be on the plane, heading to Singapore

The Great Russian Visa Chase

Wednesday, June 11th, 2008

Well according to this $45 USD piece of paper I am now officially invited into Russia, in fact I even have a whole itineray and hotels booked- not that I will ever stay in them. The beaurcracy of the Russian Visa situation is ridiculously confusing. To officially get a visa you must have your entire trip booked and all hotels booked. Obviously this is not ideal for anyone wanting to travel independantly, but the best past is it is all just a front. You simply pay money to an organisation who pretend to book hotels for you. I mean, seriously, dont they work it out??

Anyway once you have your invitation you need a cover letter from a travel agent. Yesterday I spent the entire afternoon trying to find a travel agent who had some idea about what was going on. Most I spoke to didn’t quite get the fact that you dont actually have to book hotels and its really just a sham

“Ummm….so do you have your hotels all booked? Because It says here that you need to”

I ended up explaining the process to most travel agent swho had no idea what was going on. They give me helpful advice like “I am just looking on the embassy website and it says you need an invitation and a cover letter”

Ummm, yes I know I can look at the website myself, and that is why I am ringing, to get a cover letter. Flight Centre wanted to charge $70 for their visa service, which is just the cover letter. STA would only do a cover letter for $50 IF we booked accomodation through them and the only option available for me and my 2 friends was a $320 a night hotel room. So much for being the student/budget travel agency with more options. Finally I found a travel agent who actually had been to Russia and was very helpful in getting it all sorted for me. So my passport and peices of paper are on thier upto the embassy where I have paid $100 to get it processed in time to arrive back before I leave. Fingers crossed it gets accepted! Rdoc and Tom will be applying for thiers in the next weeks and all going to plan we will all have visas and be allowed into the country in September.

Total cost $190 (mainly due to the fact I had to get everything processed faster as you can only apply for a visa 3 months before your entry date and because I am leaving soon it only gives me a short window of oppertunity), For the other guys it will cost $130.