BootsnAll Travel Network

over the boarder: Chile to Peru

I’m currently sitting in Tacna, Peru wasting a bit of time until my bus leaves for Arequipa. Had a pretty crazy day, getting up at 4.50am to catch a flight, not really having any idea about what I was going to do when I got off. I flew to the top of Chile then needed to get to the border then to this bigger town. Luckily I met this German backpacker who spoke Spanish when we landed so we caught a taxi to the bus stop then sorted out a bus, which turned out to be this guys car. So myself, a lady from Peru and 3 Chilean guys drove to where I am now and now I’m catching the real bus. Its crazy times, kind of funny as I really have no idea what is going on. The guys who organised the bus and car were really nice and made sure I had all the passport stuff sorted.

I’m not entirely sure what Im going to do when I get to Arequipa, because I get in quite late (takes about 6 hours from here I think) have the names of a few hostels so I should be sweet. The south american guide book has actually been really helpful and as touristy as I look now its kind of handy. I just found an ATM machine to get some peruvian currency but have no idea what the exchange rate is so just got out 300…so could be anything really. Sorting out all the money is a pain, I already getting confused and this is only my second country! Anyway am going to go hang for an hour at this crazy bus terminal until I leave. Yay Peru!

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-3 responses to “over the boarder: Chile to Peru”

  1. Tash says:

    Hey arnika… sounds like the first few days are going well…. hope you keep having good times… and safe ones… xo

  2. Kate says:

    Hey Arnika,

    Sounds like you are having an awesome time! Don’t u love Valparaiso – do u notice how couples over there (the young ones especially) are really into PDA – like if you go to a park or down near the beach – it’s hillarous. Did you go on the evelator thing – I can’t remember what they are called – up the side of the hills!
    It’s good you are meeting lots of new people – very cool – sounds like they are really nice. How will you ever settle down now! Nothing new happening here – what is your email address – I lost the paper you gave to me with it on – I just typed your name and round the world into google and found your site – pretty sure it is your one.

    Well keep us updated on Peru – don’t you love the feeling of not knowing anything – we watched a doco on Bolivia the other day – u know when the World Bank “encouraged” them to privatise their water – also did you see about that crazy American guy setting off a bomb there- nothing to be to worried about – he was just sum nutcase and they caught him so it is sweet as – except two people died so that’s sad.

    Anyway keep having an awesome fun time!

    Miss you heaps

    Keep safe
    Luv Kate

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