London…where being a kiwi isn’t so original
Before I came to the UK I hadnt hardley meet any other kiwis and being from NZ was kind of different….but not here, there are probably more NZders here than in the whole of Christchurch! I hear so many kiwi and aussie accents everywhere! Im not so special anymore….but the good side is that theres kiwi newspapers and lots of NZ things going on like black seeds and salmonalla dub are playing in the next month and I also went and saw Nathan King play last night in a funky building. Very cool show and he even played a couple of Zed songs for the NZ contingent that probably filled over half the building! So yes that was very cool, lots of people there and picked myself up his new album for only £5…Its probably already made it over to Spreydon folk back home.
So job is getting better as my knowledge of alcoholic drinks increases from nothing to knowing a bit…people are so fussy! my goodness…but most people are really nice. Its a cool pub and Ive been thikning about staying for a bit longer but do want to get back travelling sooner rather than later so think Ill just get enough money then hit the road again. Its great having all our food provided as well, however I can see myself getting a bit over thai every night!
My south of france tan is fading fast in the grey skies of London…very sad but its only going to get colder from now on so doesnt matter as Im wearing far more clothes, need to actually buy more warm clothes….its probably the first time Ive really noticed how little clothing I have, when Im seeing the same people every day and wearing the same thing everyday…makes me want to go shopping! but Im not going to as Ill only have to ditch it when Im travelling again. So I’ll just have to deal with it.
great so I’m back off to work for the evening…..
Tags: England
Hey, cool to hear london is fun. You should totally get hold of bex and ric, i think they go to a rad church over there. anyway take care buddy, catch you later