Sydney… Sydney… what can I say
Well, after going to sooo many places on this trip, I think I may be a little over-exposed at the moment. I don’t know what it is… but I’m just kind of “meh” with Sydney. I think there are a few things that are really making a difference:
1. Everything is expensive again. After travelling in Asia for so long and being able to get a meal for 2 dollars or a beer for 50 cents, it really hurts to have to pay like $8 for a meal and the local beer here is like $4! Not to mention, the hostels are about $20 more…. actually, even more than that. We were getting private rooms for like $10, if that… here, we are paying $28 for an 8 bed dorm now! A private twin room here is like $80! I think it will take a while for me to re-adjust to having to pay western prices.
2. I don’t like the focus here. In Africa, China, and even through the rest of Asia, we, and the people we met were interested in seeing the temples, nature, things that the country had to offer. Since we’ve landed here in Sydney it seems that the culture here (at the hostel at least) is focused on drinking and sex. People around the hostel are talking about which bars they “got smashed” at last night, or the night before, or the night before that… and how many people they “hooked up” with. Heck, the hostel here has a fishbowl on the counter with condoms in it… as if people who come here are meant to be permiscuous. I know a lot of people like to have some fun and party but it kind of sickens me that people actually travel with the intent of getting drunk and getting laid.
Annnyway, that’s enough of my ranting. Sydney itself looks nice. We landed at about 8am this morning after a sleepless night in the air. It wasn’t that the ride was uncomfortable, it was that there is such good tv and movies on planes now! So I ended up watching Pursuit of Happyness as well as like 4 episodes of Grey’s Anatomy… best show ever. Surprisingly, John and I were able to stay up today and go out and see the Sydney Aquarium, along with the Sydney Wildlife park… both of which were cool but dulled due to reasons 1 and 2 above.
Nothing much else today… we booked a tour thingy that will take us to the Blue Mountains on Saturday. Tomorrow has be slated as a rest day.
Tags: Australia
May 10th, 2007 at 1:13 am
It’s good to know that you’re not one of those people whose interest is more on drinking and sex.. that’s really nice. I’ll be looking forward to your next entry… go write one now! 🙂
May 10th, 2007 at 1:23 pm
werd, did u ride a kangaroo yet? haha