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Happy Mother’s Day! I’m a Horrible Mother….

Sunday, May 13th, 2007

Well, first of all, Happy Mother’s Day to all you mother’s out there… but I have failed in the task of being a mother. The UNTHINKABLE happened today…. UNTHINKABLE. I LOST FATHEAD!! :*(

I can’t even explain how bad I feel right now… I am so close to the end of the trip and I carelessly didn’t clip him onto my bag properly… and now, I have lost my best friends’ cat… Kent and Brooke, can you ever forgive me?? I feel sooo bad… I honestly wanted to cry after finding out he wasn’t on my backpack. I even bought a replacement to numb the pain… but Walter the Wombat has got nothing on Fathead.

I’ve asked the tour guide to keep and eye out for it but the chances of finding a 2″ cat in the blue mountains is probably slim to none. If there is ANYONE out there reading this who EVER comes accross Fathead, please comment here and I will give you a grand reward. Here is the very last picture I took of him. It’s on a lookout point in the Blue Mountains. We took a Wonderbus tour there today….

I’m so distraught about losing Fathead right now that I can’t even write about the big day that we had today… So, for anyone reading this in Sydney… one traveller to another, please keep an eye out for this little cat PLEASE!


Name: Fathead
Size: 2″ tall
Description: Organish-Brown, with a big head and big green eyes.
Last seen wearing: A hemp string around his neck with a little silver colored bell on it and a biner clipped on the string.
Last Known Location: Blue Mountains, Australia


Sydney Sights

Saturday, May 12th, 2007

Well, I know you’re all waiting to hear that I got drunk and laid so I can really take in the culture… sorry, can’t say that I did.

Instead, we actually made an effort to see some of the sights around Sydney. After sleeping in a little, we decided to head out to the harbor to see the bridge and the opera house. Navigating around the city hasn’t been that bad… the train was quick and efficient. It dropped us off in Circular Quay and we made the walk around to check out the scene. It was a little cloudy the day before but today was a beautiful sunny day. The Sydney Opera house is a lot cooler than what you see in the pictures and what not… it’s quite a work of art. We decided to go all out and take the tour of the inside as well which was well worth it… I guess it’s rare but all the theaters were open and we were able to get the full meal deal, going through all of them. Actually, we even got a bonus because the Sydney Ballet was practicing on one of the stages and we got to watch! (Not that John or I know anything about ballet). The tour was quite enjoyable though and maybe someday, I’ll even be able to afford an actual show at the Opera House.

Next we walked along the habour. We didn’t actually do that Harbour Bridge climb thing…. it costs $180!!! Yeah, Sydney is painful on the wallet. We’ve officially spent more here in the few days that we spent in like all of Southeast Asia. After we caught the train back to the hostel, we actually went to the Imax theater to watch a deep sea thing that is narrated by Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet. I know, I just said we are broke and here we are going to the Imax theater to watch a show… but they claim to have the biggest Imax screen… and it was in 3D! Not to mention, it was pretty cool… and it gave us something to do. We returned back to the hostel at night to find everyone in our room getting ready for another night out… I don’t know how they do it.

Today, we were supposed to go on a thing to the Blue Mountains and all that… However, the girl at the front desk told us to take a seat because the bus was coming… and we found out that she thought we were waiting for some other bus so we missed ours!! Luckily, she was able to put us on tomorrow’s tour so we’ll be doing that all tomorrow. Since we were up so early to catch the bus today though, we ended up going to McD’s for breakfast and then coming back to the hostel to take a nap… haha. What a vacation. We woke up around noon and headed out to the famous Bondi Beach. It was quite nice… however, I don’t know what is wrong with John and I… it was sunny and about 19 degrees… yet, we were FREEZING. We couldn’t even enjoy laying on the beach in the sun because we were cold… haha. How are we ever going to move back to Edmonton!?!?

We shivered our way back to the hostel where everyone seems to be getting ready for a big night out (it’s Saturday night). I think I’ve turned into an old boring person because I think I’ll stay in tonight but I think John will go out and have fun. I’ll have to live vicariously through him. Anyway, I’m going to take my boring butt back to the room to catch up on my journal. Later!

Sydney… Sydney… what can I say

Thursday, May 10th, 2007
Well, after going to sooo many places on this trip, I think I may be a little over-exposed at the moment. I don't know what it is... but I'm just kind of "meh" with Sydney. I think there are a ... [Continue reading this entry]