Goong Hai Fat Choy!
Well, today is Chinese New Year. Goong Hai Fat Choy (Happy New Year), Sun Tai Geen Hoan (Wish you good health), Loong Ma Jing Sun (Be alert and healthy), Saang Yee Hing Loong (Wish you good business)… yada yada.
This is my first time in Asia since I was 2 so it was really cool to see Chinese New Year Eve here and to experience the holiday here. It’s apparently like 10 days of celebration. There’s supposed to be a parade with dragon dance, fire crackers, and all that jazz tonight…. Hope I get a chance to see it but with all the people here, it might be tough to get down there.
John went for dim sum for the first time today. I’ll have to give him credit, his chopstick skills are improving! He’s also willing to try many things, which is brave when it comes to chinese food… haha. Now we are just relaxing at my aunts house… John is playing the new Nintendo thing but it is in Japanese so we are all just guessing what anything says.
Ummm, I will try to post all my pictures since Europe on my flickr site so keep posted for those.
Tags: Hong Kong
February 22nd, 2007 at 4:33 pm
Goong Hai Fat Choy!
Hey eve, nice to know you are still having fun on your trip.
It must be very exciting visiting Hong Kong/China during the new year holiday. I wish I am there too.
Come back soon and play badminton with us 🙂