Happy Easter and All That Jazz
Wednesday, April 11th, 2007Hey Everyone,
I’ve been back in Hong Kong for a couple days now…. managed to do the laundry and send a bunch of stuff home. Some of our flights on the next part of the trip are with Air Asia so our bags have to be 15kg or less…. which is pretty tough so we are sending probably like 80 pounds worth of stuff home!
Anyway, nothing new to report… we made it back from Shanghai alive and haven’t done much of anything since coming back here. Tonight, we catch a flight to Thailand for the final leg of the trip! So, for the next 50 days or so, we will be heading down through Southeast Asia, into Australia, then Fiji. I can’t believe how fast this is coming to and end… or is it? Perhaps the travels of Ev will be extended…. who knows…….