Birds are cool…
So, today was another “ho-hum” day. Kuala Lumpur is a pretty big city but that’s just it… it’s a city. After being to places like Africa and Tibet… returning to a modern city just isn’t as exciting as treking into a new world of culture. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m still in awe that I am actually still travelling after this amount of time… and I’m even in more awe that I’m not even that sick of John yet. If you think about it, for 2 people who didn’t know each other too well before the trip, and who have been stuck seeing each other’s faces day in and day out for the past 8 months (almost), it’s pretty amazing that we haven’t tried to push each other off a cliff somewhere already.
Anyway, so this morning, we headed off to Kuala Lumpur Lake Gardens… it’s a HUGE park on the edge of Kuala Lumpur. We started off going to the big bird sanctuary… man, tropical birds are cool… we spent about an hour and a half walking around this open air sanctuary snapping shots of peacocks, tucans, parrots, etc. We even got our pictures with a couple birds of our choice…. increasing our count of close encounters with random animals. It was quite enjoyable with one exception…. I got eaten alive by mosquitos! I HATE FRICKIN’ MOSQUITOS!!! Not only because I’m scared of malaria or Dengue fever (which apparently is very painful)… but because they swell up like golf balls on my arms, legs, face, etc… Like John said, it looks like I broke my arm is a few places because it’s swollen up so weird! So, due to the massive swarms of mosquitos at the park, we decided to head to safer grounds.
So, next, we found ourselves at the National Museum…. we probably enjoyed the air conditioning the most but it was neat looking at the cultural diversity of Malaysia. We walked around looking at the exhibits from each era and culture, along with a shipwreck exhibit that they had… also very cool. I can’t wait to do some diving.
Since John had not seen the Kuala Lumpur tower yet, we headed there for a bit. Other than that, we came back to the hostel for a bit… travelling is tiring! I know most of you are thinking that we are lazy and that we should be enjoying everything here… but damn, we’re tired… it’s hot… and this hostel has good movies. I watched Blood Diamond finally…. damn, if you haven’t seen that movie yet, watch it. That’s a gooooood movie. haha, speaking of movies, John and I went to see Wild Hogs last night… haha… man, I can’t recommend that everyone should see that but it was good for a laugh.
Other than that, nothing to report. Tomorrow, we are flying to Kota Kinabalu… my mom used to live there or something… and there’s beautiful reefs so I’m pretty excited about that. Hopefully I will have easy access to internet.
Tags: Malaysia