Kota Kinabalu… say what?
Man, the name of this place is kind of cool… Kota Kinabalu…. it makes me want to dance.
Annnyyyway, so we left Kuala Lumpur today and flew out to Kota Kinabalu… which is a city in the province of Sabah in Borneo. My uncle arranged for a friend of his, Alex, to pick us up so we’ve been spoiled a little bit. Alex, is actually putting us up in the YMCA so we’ve really been spoiled.
So, for the time here so far, we’ve put our stuff down at the Y, then we went to check out a fencing (with swords) facility that Alex started… very cool. Then we went to his home for dinner… man, a nice light home cooked meal really hit the spot. Yeah, I guess that isn’t all that exciting to you readers…. but tomorrow, we will be going to the Sepilok Rehabilitation Center for Orang utans! Man, we are really covering a lot of animals on this trip. Alex, so kindly offered to let us tag along with him since he was going there… wooo! Ummm, other than that, we haven’t planned too much yet… turns out that our friends Abdi and Tyler are going to make their way here so hopefully we can meet up with them again too!
Catch y’all later.
Tags: Malaysia