April 7th, 2006It’s Friday and the start of the weekend, so I thought I’d take it easy. Spent the morning writing and reading before out to try the oysters previously mentioned (although, like wool, bacon and sodomy, they are banned in the Old Testament). You were right Mike – they were divine. Did you have any to accompany your champagne at Aintree today? What made them better was the fact that the fisherman were bringing the pots in as I ate. Three quid for a dozen and a beer. Why am I leaving?
For leaving, I am. It is ridiculously lovely here, but I’ve got itchy feet and fancy a trip up the coast and the chance to argue properly with the idiots at British Airways in Sao Paulo before being crammed into a space that would be deemed illegal for a veal calf. Also, I fancy a bit of time in a city before leaving.
Reading material has again been provided by Graham Greene, Brighton Rock and Travels With My Aunt. Bookends of his career in some senses, with the latter being autobiographical, perhaps more so than his autobiography. A great author to read while in South America as he travelled extensively here. Little quote worth having for the purpose of this diary, entirely out of context, but still,
“He travelled…all through his life. New landscapes, new customs. The accumulation of memories. A long life is not a question of years. A man without memories might reach the age of a hundred and feel that his life had been a brief one.”
So, it’s off to find some more.
[I did also read Gridlock. What an embarrasment. This must have been the time when Ben Elton started to go wrong. Or maybe he was never funny. Suspect we’ll never say the same of Peter Kaye (although we will about Ricky Gervais).]
Happy birthday to Alexander, by the way. Can it really be four years since the St Charlotte’s dash? I fear it is.
Song of the day – Oh! You Pretty Things, Seu Jorge.