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October 19, 2004The English Language...Is a Pain in the Ass!
5 Euros to whoever can give me an sentence example of the present perfect continuous tense using the verb "to walk". How can I teach all this stuff if I have no clue what it is? Itīs a question that young, lazy English teachers like myself have probably been asking since the dawn of time (or at least like ī95 or something). I guess I am going to have to break down and learn it. But am I the only one that cringes when thinking about past participles and the future perfect tense? I had to look up the definition of "adverb" the other day. I donīt know whatīs worse, the fact that I had to look it up or the fact that as I sit here typing this, I canīt remember the answer. Quickly, someone tell me when a sentence can end with a preposition.... And, to make matters worse, the Spanish learn by "grammar". That is how they learn their language and how they like to learn English, so a common question could be "well, what is the past particple of that verb"? Talk about getting caught with your pants down...I was just glad they asked my friend, not me. But he was fucked. Comments
Sup Duf - How about this for the pres perfect cont tense: "I have been walking for an hour." But yeah - grammar sucks when you have to teach it. There are a couple good grammar books out there if you need some refreshing. I'm only up to date on mine because of the whole "wanna-be-writer" thing I have going on. Sounds like you're having a great time in Madrid though - enjoy it! Posted by: NeverBeComplete on October 19, 2004 03:08 PM |
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