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October 10, 2004Flamenco Bars
I guess I had another "authentic" spanish experience the other night. Around 3am, with a few Americans I just met, we strolled across the city down to La Latina and into a seemingly I would say "dreary" bar. You can imagine my shock as it turned out that I was actually wrong. That being the first time ever, it took me a few seconds to comprehend. I had read about Flamenco Bars but didnīt really know what it was. I heard "flamenco" and thought "flamingo". I assumed the people would be dressed in bright colors and dancing around light it was Carnivale. Not so much. Instead, it was guitar playing, 75 year old men singing acapella and some guy on a beat box for percussion that should get his own music deal stat. Random women would get up and dance. Somehow, the guy playing guitar managed to chain smoke cigarettes, drink scotch and play guitar at the same time. I canīt even drink scotch. People were singing, clapping and wandering in and out. They passed the beat box around the crowd and different people toook their turn. But, there is always a line drawn somewhere. As I slowly and cautiously manuvered my drunk ass over to the beat box line I was spotted and it abruptly changed directions and made itīs way to the other side of the bar. Oh well, I had to try. Comments
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