BootsnAll Travel Network

The Land of Tack

September 24th, 2005

Well, before the trip around the US a bunch of our friends in Houston were giving us a hard time asking if we were going to visit the world’s largest ball of twine, etc. Up until we hit North Dakota we hadn’t visited any dodgy tourist attractions. I guess the Midwest is where you need to come for giant cows and museums dedicated to canned meat.
Don’t get me wrong, we’ve seen some nice things too, but how many over-sized statues can you look at before it just gets boring?
Click below to see the attractions from Eastern North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, both tacky and nice.
We also visited Voyaguers National Park and canoed in the Boundary Waters in Minnesota but I don’t have any photos to put up as it was pretty rainy the whole time. It was still really beautiful but I kept waiting for a nice day to take photos…
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North Dakota

September 14th, 2005

Click below to see the photos and hear what we did in North Dakota.

Another cool thing we saw in North Dakota but didn’t get any pictures of was a really impressive northern lights display. According to Brice usually a show as good as what we saw would not occur until December or January. Apparently we were very lucky to a display like that, and neither Dave nor I had ever seen the northern lights before. It was awesome!
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South Dakota

September 12th, 2005

Well, in South Dakota we got to see and do a lot. There are two caves there that are National Parks, so we visited both Wind and Jewel Caves. We visited Mt. Rushmore of course, and the Crazy Horse memorial which is an unfinished mountain carving even bigger than Rushmore.
Of course we also went to Harney Peak, the highest point in S Dakota, and went back into the corner of Wyoming to see Devil’s Tower. Devil’s Tower is the mountain in ‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind’. If you remember the mashed potatoes sculpture…
Click below for the photo record of our adventures in the ‘South’. 🙂
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More mountains, mountains, mountains

September 12th, 2005

These are pictures from all the other mountains we climbed in Colorado. Click below to check them out! There are pictures from La Plata Mountain, Mt. Huron, Mt. Evans, Gray’s and Torrey’s Peaks and Mt. Beirstat.
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Colorado Springs and Denver

September 12th, 2005

We were lucky enough to get to see Hank and Kirsten before Hank left for Afghanistan and visit some friends in Denver. Hank and Kirsten took us to our fist biker ralley (not as crazy as it sounds) and we got to see Carin perform the viola in Denver. I’ll just post a couple quick photos from the two visits.
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Colorado 14ers

August 20th, 2005

We are in Colorado now and on the way down to see Hank at Fort Carson we stopped to climb a few mountains, of course. Colorado has over 50 separate peaks over 14,000 feet high. We climbed three of them last week, and even Molly got to climb the easiest one. She was sore afterwards, but she did good. Here are the photos.
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King’s Peak, Utah

August 14th, 2005

We had come to the Northeast corner of Utah to climb King’s 5 years ago and made it about 200 vertical feet from the summit when a summer snow storm hit and we had to retreat to our campsite in a near white-out. We actually had to use our compass to find the right pass out of the mountains!
I’ve heard good weather in the Uintas is the exception rather than the rule but it was fairly mild for our climb. It rained a bit on the hike in and a little after we came down from the summit. This is another high point that we did in 3 days, it is about a 25 mile round trip so it would make for a hard one day hike.
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Grand Tetons

August 14th, 2005

The Tetons are beautiful, they look a lot more like the Canadian Rockies than the Colorado Rockies. But I’ve heard Teton is French for breast. Those French explorers must have really been desparate because I don’t think they look much like that at all…:)
There is a really nice museum at the visistor’s center in the National Park. I spend hours looking at Native American moccasins and bags for carrying various things. When Dave asked what took me so long I realized I was looking at ancient shoes and purses!
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