camping, hiking, fishing
Wednesday, July 16th, 2008Summer is in full swing so we have to take advantage of it while it is here!
Independance Day weekend we camped in the mountains and went fishing; last weekend we took Woody hiking at Mt. Evans. Here are the photos.
The lake at our July 4th campsite. This is not a ‘campground’, it is just a spot in the National Forest where other people have camped and built a fire pit and some trees are split for benches. There are no bathrooms, it’s primitive camping, but the reward is: we had the place entirely to ourselves.
Molly and Woody sniffing around the lake.
Our buddies Mikey and Amanda fishing at a different nearby lake.
Dave’s catch!
Dave, Woody, and I on the summit of Evans.
The real stars of Mt. Evans, the mountain goats. They are shedding their coat so they don’t look as pretty as they usually do. They actually bear an uncanny resemblance to Woody…
Dave looking out over the ‘saw tooth ridge’ to Mt. Bierdstadt
Woody hiking on Mt. Evans
A marmot on Mt. Evans. At such a high elevation there is an amazing amount of wildlife on this mountain. The mountain goats, marmots, birds, wildflowers, and bristlecone pines. This really is a cool place.