BootsnAll Travel Network


August 12th, 2005

We got a little ‘geyser crazy’ at Yellowstone. Many of them are on fairly predictable schedules so you can plan your day around eruptions. Dave kept hanging around the ranger station trying to get the inside scoop and see if any unpredictable ones might go off. Maybe when I retire for real I’ll come back to Yellowstone and get a job as a geyser watcher. Seriously, some people drive around checking water/steam output to see if an eruption is likely! What fun.


This is the famous Old Faithful.

yellowstone traffic jam.jpg

Yellowstone traffic jam


Idaho-Disappointed on Borah

August 12th, 2005

Well, we went to complete another high point, Idaho’s highest mountain Borah Peak. It was a beautiful day and a great hike but I’m sad to say I didn’t make it to the top. I was in the midst of my poison ivy/oak case (at the worst it was covering about 30% of my body) and when we got to the point called ‘chicken out ridge’ I decided that was what I was going to do. My legs were just too shaky to go over that narrow snow covered ridge. Who would have thought a case of poison ivy or oak could affect a person so badly? Dave went on the the top and got some great photos which I’m putting up, but I’ll have to go back when I’m feeling good! Darn.
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Crater Lake, OR

August 12th, 2005

Crater Lake is the site of what is estimated to be one of the largest volcanic eruptions ever. Of course, it was a really long time ago but it’s pretty interesting. The lake is beautiful, you can actually scuba dive there and we were tempted but we don’t have dry suits so I think the 30 degree water would have been too cold!
I’m still 3 states behind. Now we are in Colorado and I’m posting from Oregon.
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Redwoods – Lassen Volcano National Park

August 10th, 2005

Well, I’m only about 4 weeks behind on posts. We are in Wyoming but I’m posting pictures from California! I’m putting in pictures from the Redwoods and Lassen Volcano National Park.
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July 14th, 2005

Yosemite is so beautiful, just like the Grand Canyon, I can hardly believe it exists. Here are some photos from there and the surrounding area.
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July 13th, 2005

Yes folks, we made it up Mt. Whitney in California which is actually the highest mountain in the lower 48. Well, actually the lower 49. The only American mountains higher than Whitney are in Alaska. There are much harder mountains in the US but not higher. The official height is 14,494 ft and we felt the altitude when we got up there. There was also a fair bit of snow still on the mountain on July 6th so while it was not technical, it was a little scary and not a walk in the park. Here are the photos commemorating the trip.
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Boundary Peak

July 4th, 2005

Here are some photos from along the ‘extraterrestrial highway’ near Area 51 in Nevada and from our climb up Boundary Peak.
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RV photos

July 4th, 2005

I thought I should post some pictures of our home, some of you have not seen ‘Pinky’ yet….
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