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bon voyage!

Sunday, January 6th, 2008

we’ll miss these lovely ladies, originally uploaded by maliayosh.

pictures are up from our bon voyage party at first friday… check out the “our pictures” page or click here to view them.

maui christmas, everyone!

Monday, December 24th, 2007

it’s christmas eve and i’m home on maui. things here in makawao are soooo slow… just finished reading the beautiful and damned (my brother is a major f. scott fizgerald fan so i always steal from his library) and now i’ve the dilemma of what to do with the rest of my afternoon: nap? take muggsy out for a walk? listen to the rain falling through the gutters outside my window? hmmm… all very tempting but i’m constantly thinking about things for our trip, so my brain just won’t slow down to makawao-pace!

i purposely left my southeast asia guidebooks in honolulu (in futile hopes of finding some christmas-inspired maui zen), so instead i ended up spending the last few hours on the internet… researching places to stay in hong kong (still no decisions), luggage requirements for the airlines we’re flying (less is apparently more!), and what the weather will be like when we land (kinda chilly! i guess i will need some sweaters after all) haha. leave it to me to take the perfect peace and quiet of an afternoon in makawao – christmas eve, no less – and fill it with internet research. haha. god, i’m a dork.
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t-minus six weeks and counting

Wednesday, November 28th, 2007
yesterday jess and i went to get passport-sized pictures taken for some of the foreign visas we'll need on our trip. standing in costco waiting for the photos to develop, we realized it was a tuesday! we leave on a ... [Continue reading this entry]

two tickets to paradise

Tuesday, October 23rd, 2007
malia and jess

so jess and i are counting down now, i picked up our tickets today at the airtrek office in san francisco. in just a few months we'll be off! can't wait!

a journey of a thousand miles…

Friday, September 28th, 2007
... begins with a single step. =) and that first step was booking our tickets! it's official, we're now confirmed for the trip of a lifetime... if i'm MIA until january, it's because i'm saving up for our five month adventure! here's ... [Continue reading this entry]

it’s official!

Tuesday, June 26th, 2007
so its official... just pressed "send" on the email turning down a job offer for january since i won't be here in january... and guess where i'll be???? on an around-the-world journey that's been my whole life in the making... i ... [Continue reading this entry]