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Agni Air in Nepal

Best and Worst of the Trip

Here’s a distillation of the best and worst of our trip around the world. We lots of fun putting this together during the final weeks of our trip. Most useful item we brought with us: Mitch’s swiss army knife. We used it for everything from extracting a sea urchin spine from Mitch’s foot at the […]

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Margit expertly riding her horse


A week or so ago, we stopped in the small town of Wadi Musa. That towns main reason for existing was probably the nearby site of Petra. The second day there we got the incredibly nice people working at the hotel to drive us to the ancient city. The walk was long and strenuous, but […]

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Camel taking it easy on the Desert Highway in Jordan

Three Countries in One Day

December 8, 2010 After a week or so of travel we’ve landed on the southern coast of Crete. I’m looking out at rugged mountains and calm seas. The unseasonable warm temperatures make the Christmas decorations in the stores here seem very out of place. Ten days ago, we left Dahab reluctantly after an eleven day […]

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